: DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY But if, as the calendar also states, the college has a commitment to the adult student, I wonder why more isn't done to reach prospective 'mature' students. As for myself, I heard of the colle;re music department by word-of-mouth, which is probably the best advertising there is. But, had I not had an acquaintance to assure me that I had sufficient background to qualify me to enrol, I wonder if I would have had the courage to,take the initial . steps in making inquiries and eventually enrolling’the classes I choses The college has so much to offer in so many fields, yet one never sees or hears a word in newspapers, on radio or on television about its activities. Is the news media to blame for this apparent indifference, or should the college be more active in publicity and public relations? I am sure there are many others, like myself, who could derive benefit from new experiences and the opportunities that are open to them, if they were only aware of them. It has been an extiting and exhilarating year for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to next year. From feeling utterly silly standing at a practice pad, clhmsily attempting my first paradiddle, to being told I miay be able to join the percussion section in the college concert band next year - from despairing of. ever getting a musical sound out of my oboe, to standing in front of the stare band and conducting a rehearsal of a musical arrangement which I had written myself-. xhas been one big giant step for this woman. hile Fat