by Dena Nishizaki Have you innocently walked out of the cafeteria carrying your plateful of dinner, a glass for your pop, or perhaps a mug? If you have not noticed the sign posted in front of the cafeteria -it is considered shoplifting. Even if you do not necessarily shove the plate in your bag or purse: to take home and add to your din- nerware collection.Even if you leave the glass sitting in the class- room after you use it - it is still considered an offence. _ Shoplifting would include any metal or glassware taken outside the cafeteria. The site supervisor for security’s main concern is not only the cafeteria manager, Ted Malek, | losing money on stolen tableware, but he is also concerned about people "walking on broken glass." If a person were to walk out- side the cafeteria premises with a _ piece of cutlery such as a spoon, it would be considered an offence. As site supervisor for security, Fadi Baydoun stated "it is considered theft under $2 000.00 according to the criminal code." : When a person is caught shoplifting from the cafeteria for the first time, the student or faculty member will receive a warning. The person will be "required to provide a student or faculty ID" and security will "keep track" of the individual.If caught a second time, they will be charged and it will become "a police matter." One student remarked, “you don’t want to use those plastic cups which hurt the environment." "I mean are they losing that much.I would rather use a glass which they can wash right away rather than the other (styrofoam) ones which they throw away and don’t serve a purpose." The cafeteria manager was on vacation and not available for com- ment. The site supervisor was not aware of anyone being charged and believes the instances of shoplift- ing have “substantially reduced" even though he admitted, "anyone can sneak things."But so far, he has not seen anybody shoplifting since the sign posting." Cafeteria Cracking Down on Shoplifters photo by Marion Drak. Environmentally concerned students “shoplifting” cafeteria plates College Butts Out by Matthew Martin Douglas Col lege will be anon- smoking zone by August Ist. The policy will a -appl People in all internal a ot te des the exterior College and incly Organizations." According to Te try Leon, rector of Facilities and uns ie college will save thousands of Di th ooftop and court College Bursar sy Sede : Ee Douglas College has a respon- ‘S : . aise to adopt such a policy a is pi vee Says, because Sete = institute that boasts a strong- Health Sciences Program 8 The College will of ‘moking courses sae ee ae have trouble kick- abit. Greenwood is al onfident that enforcement will Sot j t ea Sean . | Vegetar lans cream Piewce: or egg salad. Oc- another’s personal preference. 1 ve to ensure ade- i casionally, there will be a bowl of I am sure you will find (as signage so that everyone is re Photo by Marion is sé Like to Eat soup that I can eat. Considering my have Ajicavaredy that not ot y aware that the buil ding is non. ighting their last G oo d FE d financial position (I am struggling vegetarians eat vegetarian food. I noking," said Greenwood, addi ng oo on a student loan), I most often find _a dish is prepared with care as to th at most people will support the Ollars that used to be i T | Me OMe ee a pve. ing smoke Heine Spent repair- oo quite often at the College for long buy it because it is nod A alsc People are enlightened as to linoleum, and venice cree periods of time because of my for a change of ae from dishe: * dangers of smoking and secon- "It’s a reality. It’ 3 kes course load, and therefore Tend up with meat. . foe urctions areconsis- ‘hat’s happening everywhere af . mo ee That & Peat eeah itioeas ee ee it miss onard. ai cafeteria ): at is not what I'd call nutrionally i ; ne balanced eating rie Tae thee teat ae ake a I would like to bring up some | ; us around the College, and I know concems that I have about the food esis that we are tired of sandwiches o1 served inthe cafeteria salad. I do not eat meat of any kind: CS neither red meat, chicken or Carre seafood. I am finding it increasing- | Dear Other Press, ly difficult to find meals in the Y, Are you guys (sic) a bunch of cafeteria that service my needs (Z@) High School grads or what? Yous nutritionally, aesthetically, and date of publications on your las! financially. g issue is January 15th 1990. Greai = The meals served in the eh. Please do not Publish my name cafeteria for vegetarians are con- I fear reprisals form my rompe: sistently the same. There are no hot And on another level, itis real- 'CO™ friends. entrees. That leaves a vegetarian jy disapointing to cane that you Name Withheld (obviously)by with the option of having some will never get to eat a hot meal as Reques! salad, which is astronomically long as you are at the College. Like Ed Co-or Note: Aside form - overpriced when compared with |haye mentioned before, Iam at the our dificulties with grammar ana the non-vegetarian entrees, or eating a sandwich. Of all the sandwiches availiable in the cafeteria there are two I can eat: College for long periods of time, so I don’t get many hot meals. I am tired of the cafeteria management’s disregard tor punctuation, you made a glaring mistake. The date on the issue in question read "January Sth, 1990." Great, Eh? Aswowd beiinizsinU Yo ziwsY yinswl—zesrd 1930 oT OCT E 19dmi9Iqse 179