Other Press

April 9, 1900



Other Classifieds




Smith Corona manual
typewiter for sale. $15 obo.
Call 464-2191.



Tickets For Sale!
2 tix for Diana Ross April
11th, 8pm. $33 each. Call
939-9914 after LOpm.

money! - Jimmy Swaggart



Boss Super Distortion &
Feedback Pedal, as new, $70
firm. Also Prince monitor
amp, solid state, 50 watts,
$50 obo. Call 253-6203 after
7pm and ask for Tim.


Volunteer Wanted: Ad-
ministrative Assistant - Learn
telemarketing skills,
typewriting, advertising dis-
play work. Am looking for a
person who is willing to com-
mit at least 6 hrs a week in 2
hour time slots over 3 days/
wk. Will train and provide
bonus. Please call 524-3347
or leave message. Lance.


Starlight Computer Ser-
vices: Sandye Discher

The Other Press Clas-
sifieds are a great way to get
your message across! If you
are advertising on the bulletin
boards, why not go in the
Classifieds? First 5 lines are
free for students, 50 cents a
line after. Businesses charged
$1 a line. We’re a great way
to reach students!!

The end of the world is
nigh!!! Repent, Repent,
Repent!!! - Dr. Ruth Wes-



Bass Amp for sale.
Peavey TKO-80, kind of
ratched, but loud. Must sell to
pay rent and eat. $150 firm.
Call Dean 321-0472 anytime.


Remember last week’s ad
about sending monetary
donations? Well don’t! Ihave
realized my sins and I am
repenting unto the Lord. So
don’t send me anymore

East Vancouver Men’s
Group is having a potluck
supper followed by a discus-
sion of gender equality issues
tonight at La Quena, 1111
Commercial Drive, Van-
couver. All men urged to at-
tend. Bring an open mind -
and food!



Will do word processing
at home. Manuscripts,

reports, essays, etc. $25 per
hour. Please call 521-1961.



UBC educated writer will
tutor English, ESL, and
French. Call 525-3486.



The Les-
bian/Gay/Bisexual Collec-
tive meets on a regular basis
to give support to those who
need it on campus. If you
would like to become a mem-
ber of the Collective, call
Norman at 527-5111. Utmost
confidentiality assured.



Jobs in Advertising Sales
availiable. Fiexible hours.
25% commission. Call 525-
3542 and ask for Tim.



Mediaeval knight look-
ing for suitable Dragon for
ego boost. Call 123-4567



Women’s Organizing
Committee meets this Tues-
day at 2 pm. All women are
urged to attend.



TB: I’m pretty sure you
won’t see this, but you have
the most incredible green
eyes I have ever seen. Of






Students with a technology diploma and/or relative work experience
are invited to apply.

This program was designed in conjunction with local industry to
assist students with a pure or applied background in the physical
sciences or technical backgrounds in manufacturing, mechanical
metallurgical, electrical or operations management to advance their
knowledge of quality assurance-and quality control methods.

Courses commence September 5, 1990 amd include non-destructive
testing, mechanical and electrical metrology, statistical quality
control, metallurgy, physical testing, computer applications, quality
assurance and management of quality. A second term practicum with

a local industry is an integral part of the program.

Wayne Irvine at (604) 432-8326



Bob Pike at (604) 434-5734, local 5769
Student Services (604) 432-3304
BCIT, 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3H2




course, if you wear tinted
contacts you can ignore this
totally. - DM



Forsake your house, live
in a tent/ overthrow the



Washer & Dryer combo
wanted. Need soon. Not too

expensive. Call Tamara at




IP Notes


Zombies aren’t fun! Con-
trary to popular belief, zom-
bies aren’t nice little
creatures who growl and die
when their heads are
removed from their bodies.
They are the EVIL UN-
DEAD! They are the spawn
of SATAN!They must be
STOPPED! Don’t let them
bite you - you will turn into a
ZOMBIE also!! -A.Z.




ril 12



Next Copy —
April 19 at noon

Next Board
April 19 at 4pm >

Room 1602
525-3542 or


Hasty Market

“Convenience with a difference”

74 8th Street New Westminister B.C.

(Across the Street from Douglas College)

Special of the Week

Cinnamon bun and Coffee for 50 Cents
With this Coupon .Offer expires Sunday, March 18/90)

& :___ Also try our new Chester Fried Chicken and Mojo Chips



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