page 6 The Other Press January 21st to February 4th, 1982 by Denise Kask “| didn’t think about the nolding time until | got close to him. His pants were open and his ‘‘thing’’ was standing out of his oritches by itself. “No, sir, Mr. Freeman.’’ | started to back away. | didn’t want to touch that mush-hard thing again, and | didn’t need him to hold me anymore. He grabbed my arm and pulled me oetween his legs. His face was still and looked kind, out he didn’t smile or blink nis eyes. Nothing. He did nothing, except reach his left hand around to turn on the radio without even look- ing at it. Over the noise of the music and static he said, ‘‘Now, this ain’t gonna hurt you much. You liked it before, didn’t you?”’ The above exerpt appears in the memoirs of Maya Angelou, entitled | Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Mr. Freeman was her step- father, and, at the time, Maya was eight years old. It has been said to be per- haps one of the most moving and painful accounts of childhood rape ever put to paper. Unfortunately, written memoirs are often the only accounts of the hundreds of thousands of rapes that occur every year. Because of shame, fear of retaliation, and guilt feelings, womyn do not report rape, in the majority of occurrences. were you aware that; -in Canada, 1 womyn is raped every 17 minutes, but only 1 of every 10 womyn raped reports that rape. Of the rapes reported -If convicted, rape can carry a 14 year to life sentence, but, in most cases, the - sentences range from 6 to 18 months because charges are dropped or reduced to assault. Parole is generally granted after one-third of time is served. -60 - 75 percent of womyn are raped by someone known to them -1 of every 4 womyn is raped before the age of 18, usually by a family member -No womyn is immune for no womyn is immune from rape. Cases have been reported where womyn between the ages of 6 months and 93 years were raped. -10 girls are molested for every 1 boy Rape is not a crime of passion, but of violence and power. It is the only crime in which the victim’s credi- id You Kn bility is judged by her past and present sexual activities, Rape victims are not only the ‘‘Lovely Young Blondes’’ of newspaper headlines, they are children, the aged, the homely -- all womyn. WwW: Rape is something we all live in fear of. We have lost our freedom because rape is down-played by society, glorified in popular culture, shrouded in myths, excused by the ‘‘boys will be boys’’ logic of ‘‘She asked for it!’ by Denise Kask For the fall of ‘82, along witha new campus location, Douglas College will have anew Womyn’‘s Centre. Marian Exmann, whose office is presently located in the Counselling Centre, (room 101), is the Womyn’‘s Centre Coordinator. The following Role and Function Statement outlines the areas of responsibility for the Coordinator: ROLE AND FUNCTION STATEMENT: -The Womyn’‘s Centre is available to identify and provide information about the college’s programs and services to womyn students. -to assist with the planning and analyzing of programs responsive to the female population. -to assist womyn students to identify and evaluate their educational opportunities. -to coordinate a variety of on-campus programs and activities and to participate in orientation. -to maintain and research material for the womyn’s centre. -to coordinate the production of materials for use in the womyn‘s centre and participate in the development of information brochures, leaflets, etc., for use by womyn students. 1.8 percent. are convicted. Womyn’s Centre For DC -to identify actual and potential barriers to womyn’‘s access to college programs and services. Some of the projects the Womyn‘s Centre Coordinator is involved in are: THE LAKESIDE PROJECT: The college is providing Adult Basic Education (ABE), instruction at Lakeside, the womyn’s section of Oakalla. It is providing workshops (coordinated by instructors at Oakalla), centering on education and apprenticeship training. The womyn’s centre is providing resource material, career information, and is planning career profile and workshop series. Marian Exmann acts as a liaison to this project. DAYCARE AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: This semester, funded by the Student Society, the womyn’s centre provided daycare during registration. Discussions are now taking place with members of the Community Programs division and Early Childhood Education regarding possible daycare facilities in the new campus. Marian hopes to make daycare something that is available at every registration. Rooms, toys, games, etc., were provided by the centre. Marian would like to work with the student society, the faculty, staff and the administration to raise the awareness of the needs of womyn students. For example; research material, social activities, career(non-traditional) . Opportunities, and many others. She would like people, staff, faculty, students, and _ administration, to feel free to drop-in or phone with suggestions | and ideas. The Douglas College Womyn’‘s Centre:ph. 521-4851, loc.260. It’s Not Just For Cults Anymore A Cincinnati grand jury has indicted well-known deprogrammer Ted Patrick and three others on kidnapping and sexual assault charges, in connection with an attempt to change the lifestyle of a womyn whose mother suspected she was a lesbian. The Cincinnati Enquirer reported the mother paid Patrick $8,000 to lead a deprogramming team, which allegedly raped the womyn repeatedly in an attempt to break her of her suspected lesbian habit. An Enquirer reporter, Sue MacDonald, says the young womyn “‘is not even a lesbian.’’ Not Newswomyn While womyn are increasing their numbers on commercial { FromCUP For Womyn : newspaper staffs in the United States, they aren’t making headway in editorial positions. The American Society of Newspaper Editors says there are no womyn executive editors on a daily newspaper with more than 50,000 circulation, and only two womyn hold top posts with papers with 25,000 or more circulation. There are some female associate editors, but their number is dropping: from 13 in 1980 to only 10 in 1981. RAPE RELIEF 4-45 Kingsway Vancouver, B:C: CRISIS 732-1613 Business 872-8212 A group of concerned womyn providing support and information to victims of rape and sexual assault. Rape Relief is also available in Kamloops, Nanaimo, Terrace, and Victoria.