. COLLEGE COMMITTEE EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTS The following items were discussed at the December 10, 1986 meeting of the College Education Committee : 1. Assignment of Credit Gerry DellaMattia advised he has reconvened the Committee and reviewed CEC's motion and concerns raised at its last meeting. He is looking at two possible courses of action but at this point does not have a recommendation to make to Management Commiltee. He also commented that the deadline for the next calendar has passed and therefore the policy will not be implemented prior to 1987. . Associate of Science Diploma The Committee accepted the request of the Academic Division Education Committee for variance from Policy £02.03.03 for the Associate of Science Diploma. The Committee also accepted the ADEC recommendation that page 41 of the current calendar be changed to read "Any 7 Douglas College university transfer courses. These will now go forward to the Education and Services Committee of the Board. . Diploma of Associate in Criminology / Certificate in Criminal Justice Studies Gordon Gilgan advised that the request comes from a discipline review of the Criminology program. The current calendar describes diplomas with several options as well as certificates, also with various options. The Criminmology discipline believes those are outdated and recommends they be streamlined. The Committee accepted the recommendation of the Academic Division Education Committee to create the Diploma of Associate in Criminology and Certificate in Criminal Justice Studies. This will also go the Education and Services Committee of the Board. . Admission Policy, Recognition of Completion of Prerequisites and Recognitiion of Prior Knowledge and Skills. The above policies were tabled for information and will be discussed at the January meeting. The policies are currently going through the Governance structure. . Review and Recommendation to the College Board re 5 Year Plan The Committee, after much discussion, endorsed the Strategic Plan Update. 6. Policy Review Gerry DellaMattia tabled a motion passed by the Educational and Student Services Division Education Committee to withdraw Policies £02.01.03, E02.01.04, and £02.01.06. The Committee passed a motion that the policies not be withdrawn until they have gone through the Governance System Policy E02.03.09 was referred to the Staff Officer for further work. Policy E02.03.10 was accepted as written. £02.03.11 was referred back to the Staff Officer for further work. . Policies for Review at Next Meeting Section £02.04, E02.04.05 and EQ2.06 . DATE OF NEXT MEETING - The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 14, 1987.