. oe Notice Board eo Campus Supervisor, N.W. Circulation RE: Relocation Faculty Staff Lounge N.W. - Campus . The College's success in obtaining additional funding allowing us to open additional classes in this Fall Semester has had one unfortunate effect. The only classroom type space readily available in New West- minster was Room 104 - the faculty staff lounge. The necessity to revert this lounge space to classroom use is regretted. Please be assured that provision of space for a faculty staff lounge is a firm commit- ment of management. There is, however, no immediate solution at hand and as an interim measure only the existing faculty staff lounge furniture has been relocated in the staff lunch room located on the second floor of Building 700. This facility will be available week days during the hours of 7230 and 5200) p.m. Ken McCoy Fall Registration At the College Council Meeting held on September 23, 1976, George Wootton and Gerry DellaMattia reported on the success and also problems encountered during the fall registration. The registration period was on the whole a smooth running operation with the major problem being that course selections were limited because of discipline PRGETORS being filled up so early. The success of the registration is due to the hard working efforts of the Admissions Staff and College-wide Faculty and Staff. Council was pleased to receive this report ee extended a vote of confidence and reciation to all personnel who contributed to this successful operation. Bill Morfey ‘and phone. THR BND UF Lh bins A simulation game in social gerontology DOUGLAS COLLEGE LISRARY, If you are: ARCHIVES = someone interested in working with the elderly - a student of the aging process - interested in one of the helping professions - interested in learning about simulations as a learning tool then you will be interested in participating Limited to 30-35 players; overflow can be observers. Date: Monday, 25 October Time: 7-10 PM Place: Surrey 2h If interested contact: Toby Snellgrove, NW 237 Phil Warren, S 262 If we can't be reached, leave your name We will put you on the list of participants.