Safety Committee - Douglas College Minutes of Meeting held 9:30 a.m. Thursday 20 November 1975 Surrey Campus XA, Present: John Beardsley Chairperson (Admin) Tom Rosamond BCGEU Local 62 Andrew MacAdam BCGEU Local 62 -~. Bob Lisson ee Assistant Bursar Mr. Bob Lisson provided input to the November meeting on several queries arising from the October meeting. Safety check forms will be used commencing the week of the 24 November 1975. A recent bomb scare stimulated a discussion of the "Interim Policy" which was presented to all members of the Committee. This Interim Policy was presented and accepted by College Council and is part of an ongoing evaluation of procedures in use at other institutions. Orderly evacuation of vehicles from the campuses poses several problems, but Bob Lisson informed the committee that the RCMP have indicated that the RCMP will control traffic when called upon to do so. There is apparently, no perfect solution to this problem which faces all institutions from time to time, but there is a policy, which is being used but which for obvious reasons has not received wide distribution. (See copy interim measures) Inquiry was made of Bob Lisson about use by employees of private motor vehicles to transport equipment between campuses. A policy statement was to be made outlining the regulations. *( See Mad Hatter) While this was not directly a Safety Committee matter it was felt by the Committee that it was of considerable importancdé to the staff and could result in unsafe practices if staff were not aware of the problems in this area. A short report was made by John Beardsley as a result of phone calls made to the Royal Columbian - there is no emergency member available for information concerning injuries and it was recommended that the College simply transport all injured persons to Emergency. A statement*was to be made concerning first aid facilities and a request for those holding First Aid Certificates to send their a names to Personnel.*(See Mad Hatter) : The Safety Committee welcomed new member Andrew MacAdam from Instructional Resource. Next meeting last Thursday of December will need to be adjourned and was set for 18 December 1975. MAD HATTER: College Newspaper