TSSU sets up picket lines for first days of classes » Union decides to increase pressure on university following unproductive day at the bargaining table Allison Roach The Peak he Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) has announced its intention to set up picket lines at SFU Burnaby of the Fall semester. The day of the announcement, the TSSU and SFU had just completed the first of three scheduled days of mediated bargaining, from Wednesday through Friday, in the hopes of reaching a collective agreement, the first bargaining in six weeks. The mediation was overseen by the Labour Relations Board. In a statement sent out to union members and posted on their website on Wednesday evening, the TSSU expressed that “SFU Administration is still stalling and is still unprepared to negotiate,” leading them to believe that “even more pressure is required to reach a fair Collective Agreement.” The mediation was cut short after two days, with the parties not returning to the table on Friday. “On the first day of mediation, SFU Administration did not bring a single proposal to the table,” stated George Temple, TSSU spokesperson. “After six weeks to prepare for mediation, SFU Administration brought excuses instead of proposals. In light of that, TSSU announced week.” Kurt Heinrich, director of University Communications, emphasized the difference : between advocacy and disruption : : in his response to the TSSU : : decision. He stated, “We are : disappointed that the TSSU is : targeting students, and even : impacting the livelihood of their during the first two days of classes } OWN members, in an attempt to : influence their own negotiating : position. “The University is hopeful that the TSSU will ultimately : decide not to disrupt the first : week of school.” The picket lines are : scheduled to be set up around : the Applied Sciences Building : from 7:30 a.m. until noon on : September 8, and around the : Academic Quadrangle beginning : from 4:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. : on September 9, coinciding with : SFU’s 5oth anniversary “Celebrate : : and Savour” event, an evening of : entertainment anddining to be : held in the AQ Gardens well into : the night. Picket lines were also set up : during orientation day, the week : before classes. Going into mediation, both : the university and the union : “prepared and shared confidential : : briefing documents outlining : their positions and proposals,’ : according to Heinrich. The : university stated that they tabled : five new proposals during the : two days of mediation, two of : which the TSSU replied to in : manner that suggest that they : are “unwilling to work towards that picket lines would begin next : Consensus. Heinrich also emphasized : the university’s commitment to : coming to a mutual agreement : with the TSSU, pointing to : the fact that SFU has recently : agreed ona tentative Collective : Agreement with CUPE 3338 and : have made “significant progress” : in bargaining with the SFU : Faculty Association. There are no upcoming : mediation sessions scheduled : thus far. The TSSU is asking all : its members to respect and This strike escalation builds : on the withholding of grades, : which began in late July. The : union stated that grades will : “remain sealed and will not be : released until an agreement is : reached.” Students were invited by the TSSU to apply for their : grades to be released if special : circumstances existed. Ina : letter sent out by the TSSU to : applicants to graduate, the union : outlined that the university : does have measures in place to : allow students to be considered : for graduation without their : transcripts being completed, and : therefore won't be releasing the : grades of those students. : participate in the picketing, which : : may cause class cancellations for : students’ first days back to school, : : dependent on individual faculty : members, teaching assistants, : and other class facilitators. A grade appeal process for : those cases of students who are facing immediate deportation— : within the next 30 days—is now : in effect, though the union warns : that it may no longer be possible : to process grade requests as all : the withheld grades are currently : sealed within the SFU Archives. “We feel that ending the : grade appeal process will force : SFU Administration to deal with : the problem now,’ said Temple. : “We don’t want to drag out this disruptive job action for another Image by Phoebe-Lim > semester.” Heinrich stated: “The : University is committed to : protecting the interests and : experience of SFU students, and : will do all [they] can to minimize : disruption and impact on SFU : students.” Mitigating actions by : the university have included : academic advisors working one- > on-one with students concerned : about their grades, creating : formal letters of explanation : of the current labour situation : to be given to external agencies : and other universities, and : encouraging students who have : questions around their progress : to reach out to their instructors : for verbal feedback. Heinrich concluded, “We're hopeful that we will be able to : get a fair and respectful deal soon : with the TSSU.” Going Green with Kyle Routledge » A spotlight on New Westminster-Burnaby’s Green Party Candidate Mercedes Deutscher News Editor M4 news@theotherpress.ca Cee has already experienced an eventful election season, and there’s undoubtedly more to happen over the next six weeks before voters head to cast their ballots. Many voters will become so sensationalized with a party’s leader that they may forget to become informed about the workings of their riding’s MP candidates. One of those candidates is Kyle Routledge, the Green Party candidate for the riding of New Westminster-Burnaby. Routledge places an emphasis on issues of student ss Kyle Routledge : concern, particularly the ability : of post-secondary graduates : to be able to find work in their : field. Routledge says that he : understands the struggle that : many graduates find upon : completing their education, as he : : graduated from post-secondary : in 2008 and had difficulty finding : : ajob in his field until three years: : later. Photo via Kyle Routledge In relation to the Green Party : : platform, Routledge desires for : students to have easier access to : post-secondary education. The : educational platform includes : abolishing tuition fees for : low-income students and loan : forgiveness for student loans that : exceed $10,000. Transportation is an issue : that Routledge recognizes : resonates with New Westminster : residents. Routledge has taken : note of the growing population : of New Westminster as a factor to : consider with the development : of further transportation : infrastructure, focusing on public : transit and the Pattullo Bridge in : particular. “I would be a champion for : the people of New Westminster in Ottawa to improve our public : transit system, and to look at : all the different improvements : we need and see how we can : implement them through federal : funding,” Routledge explained to : the Other Press. “I realize that the : : need for growth is there.’ Another issue Routledge : wishes to tackle as an MP is : the export of US thermal coals, : particularly by train, through : New Westminster. Routledge is : the only candidate in the New : Westminster-Burnaby riding : who is in opposition of shipping : these coals, as opposed to other : candidates who wish to deliberate : : another option and to conduct : environmental assessments. “I do environmental : sos ” > assessments for a living... : explains Routledge. “T will tell you : that it does not matter how well : the assessment is done or what : changes are made to the system, : nothing will change the fact that : the people of New Westminster do not want this coal dust : blowing into our communities.” Routledge also explained : how the Green Party functions, : in particular to voter autonomy. : Unlike other national parties, : Green Party MP’s are not required : tovote alongside party lines. “That’s one of the great things : about the Green Party; they truly : represent their constituents.” Those who wish to know : more about Kyle Routledge, other : candidates, or the Green Party in : general, can visit the Green Party : website: greenparty.ca