MAD HATTER PAGE 2 -2- We are beginning to prepare for the next round of Faculty/College negotiations. | Mr. Sawka has prepared some notes for review by the administration. Before the next } meeting of the Board, the administration will have developed an appropriate staff | paper for the consideration of the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee. I have continued my review of the administrative salary levels, and expect to be able to make a presentation to the next meeting of the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Conmittee of the College Board. I have had meetings with Mr. Wilkinson | and Dr. Pridham regarding miscellaneous items resulting from the College split, ] including Library holdings presently in the Kwantlen Library, that relate to Douglas College programs. ‘The split continues to be an example of co-operative effort. We have received a copy of a letter from the Academic Council to the Minister f of Education, in which the Academic Council recommends in the strongest terms to | the Minister of Education that the notion of a reduction in post-secondary educa- ] tional activities next year simply be considered out of the question. The overall } recommendation of the Academic Council to the Minister is that a budget increase in } the post-secondary area, including inflation and program increase, be in the neigh- bourhood of 25%. Copies of that letter will be made available to members of the cléae aad this: vege will continue to be one of financial stringency. } Our troller will shortly. be-in-a podition to give us a detailed reporting of expenditures to dabe,. following witich the administration will be recommending to the. Boarti-the means by which our budget will be balanced. In spite of these budget stringencies, the Managment Committee is unanimously of the opinion that some form of clearly accountable evening administration is re- quired at our various sites. At this time, the only systematic provision of ser- vices is in Maple Ridge. Therefore, I have taken steps to insure that clerical J personnel and one designated administrator will be available four nights per week, } commencing Monday, October 19, 1981. The period from the first week in September H to the present has been covered on a somewhat ad hoc basis, on the basis of a | roster. This rostering pattern will be formalized, and staff persons will be avail- } able on all sites in the near future, in order that students and faculty should | have a commmications centre. I am pleased to report that I am finding the course I am taking at the University of British Columbia is very relevant to the College at this time. It is a post-graduate course in administration and governance of post-secondary institu- tions. A number of other senior administrators from post-secondary institutions are registered. I am finding it a very valuable source of criticism and informa- tion. W.L. Day President