The $s Mad Hatter | A Douglas College Newsletter. NOVEMBER 10, 1987 EEE UNITED WAY APPEAL To All College Employees Once again, United Way is asking for our support on their annual campaign. While there has been a modest improvement in the economy over the past 2 years, thousands of people in the Lower Mainland remain dependent upon services of organizations funded through the United Way - many of which employ our graduates. This level of need is certain to continue over the next year, with same possibility that it could increase significantly. We know that many people working in Douglas College doubt the appropriateness of services dependent upon volunteer contribution. Nevertheless, the reality of the situation is that we as a group, by any measure, are fortunate. The organizations that are soliciting your support through the United Way provide services to those who are markedly less fortunate than ourselves. They also provide services that we also use, such as the Red Cross, which we all expect to be there when required, but epee think of-as totally dependent upon the generosity of the general public. Before making your decision, we ask that you review the literature that will be available during the month of November. A number of groups will be staging events calculated to heighten awareness of the appeal, and also to provide additional colour to College activities during the month. We hope that you will find them enjoyable. fo e ge /-©.J. Murnane, Chairman, Fr L. Day, Presi S Douglas College Board Douglas Coll