College Pension Plan The June 19, 1985 issue of the Mad Hatter included a May 1985 Ministry of Education Information Circular dealing with early retire- ment under the College Pension Plan. There has been an extension of the application period for the pre-retirement leave and the details are as per the Superannuation ' Commissioner's February 1986 letter attached. The Commissioner's letter of June 19, 1985. contained the same information as the Ministry's Circular. — *See the pages following the Dean's list. Entrepreneurs : I, Got an Idea? Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? The DOUGLAS CENTRE FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT and the VANCOUVER VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE want you to SUCCEED. A three hour seminar entitled "EXPLORING THE SELF EMPLOYMENT OPTION - THE PROCESS OF STARTING A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN" is being held: MARCH 10, 1986 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. at Douglas College, 700 Royal Avenue, New West. Room 2203 (2nd floor behind the Security Desk) - and - MARCH 12 and March 13, 1986 7:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. at Vancouver Vocational Institute, Dunsmuir and Hamilton, Vancouver, B.C. Main foyer (located off Dunsmuir and Hamilton entrance) TOPICS TO BE DISCUSSED: What's really required? : What makes an entrepreneur different from an employee? Getting objectives/expectations straight. Assessing yourself, your ideas, the risk. Looking for pitfalls. Getting ready - where to go! - for ideas Entrepreneurs continued. Getting ready - where to go! - for self improvement - for support services $10.00 REGISTRATION FEE Please Note: ATTENDANCE LIMITED - Please call 526-4808 for PRE-REGISTRATION. Dean's List Attached is the Dean's list which represents those students who have achieved excellence in the Fall Semester as measured by a grade point | average of 3.5 or more. Part-time students with a cummulated G.P.A. of 3.5 or more who achieved an A in the Fall Semester are also listed. This list has been presented to the Board, will be sent to the Student Society for posting and each student will receive a letter of congra- tulations from myself or Terry Clement. Gordon W.Gilgan Dean, Academic Division ‘Correction College Copyright Policy In the February 25th edition of the Mad Hatter there was an error made regarding the College Copyright Policy. Below is a reprint of the memo from Bill Day to All College Personnel. Attached for your information is the current ‘College statement regarding the use of copy- righted material.* When the new legislation (expected to be tabled in Parliament very soon) has been enacted, this statement will be reviewed and revised, as necessary. Until that time it is important that all personnel be familiar with the College's current policy statement and regula- tions. continued on page 12 *See February 25th edition for College statement