MAD HATTER PAGE 4 * nics in Africa (C.A.P.A.), will be dir- ected toward department heads in technical training institutions in Commonwealth African countries. QUALIFICATIONS : Those interested in having their names in- cluded on the roster should be currently employed within the community college sys- tem in their own province. Ideally, they should have experience in conducting suc- cessful workshops and should have admin- istrative experience (including experience _ as a department head). In addition, they should have expertise (training and/or experience) in one or more of the follow- ing areas at the cammunity college level: program and personnel evaluation, program development, faculty development, budget- ing and financial management, management skills, communications skills, department- al management and administration, cur- riculum development. Work experience in the Third World (particilarly Africa) would be helpful but is not essential. Applicants should have sensitivity to- ward cultural differences, a high degree of flexibility, and an ability to work co-operatively with persons of widely- varied backgrounds and personalities. RESPONSIBILITIES: The responsibilities of resource persons will include planning the workshops, meet- ing as a group prior to departure to co- ordinate activities, travelling to Africa to conduct the workshops, and evaluating the results. Part of the pro- _ject will involve Africans coming to Canada for training as workshop facil- itators. ‘The Canadian resource persons ultimately selected will be expected to work with the Africans while they are in Canada and will work with them in conducting the workshops in Africa. TIME COMMITMENT AND OTHER CONDITICNS: A time commitment ranging from 21 to 35 days in July-August, 1983, may be ex- pected from Canadian resource persons. Resource persons are expected to volun- teer their services in return for air fare and a living allowance (enough to cover accommodation, meals, and inci- dental expenses). APPLICATION PROCEDURE: If you want your name on the roster of resource persons, please apply (with letter and resume) as soon as possible to Tony Berezowecki, Co-ordinator, CAPA-ACCC Workshops, E-316, Red River Community College, 2055 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0J9. Selection of the resource team will likely be made in February 1983. CHRISTMAS CRAFT MARKET The Burnaby Arts Centre, 6450 Gilpin St. at Canada Way, will be holding a Christmas Craft Market firrom December 5 to 12. Weekdays: 1500 to 2100 hours, Saturday and Sundays 1100 to 1700 hours. Admission is free and everyone is welcome. | INTERESTED IN THEATRE? An energetic and enthusiastic new amateur - theater group is forming in Burnaby based at the Burnaby Arts Centre and it urgent- ly needs your involvement. For more in- formation, please call Chris McGrath at 291-6864. | |