| DOUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 3 ARCHIVES Program at UBC. The latter person, Mrs. Joan Voris, was the author of the report upon which the Provincial Government acted in 1979, in request- ing Douglas College to develop the program. We expect to have final word from the Minister of Education regarding the Ministry's reaction to the panel re- commendations tomorrow. On behalf of the Council of Principals, I attended a meeting of the Deans and Directors of Continuing Education of B.C. colleges on March 18, and among other things, became aware of a pot- entially very exciting approach to individualized instruction presently being used by Seneca College and oth- ers in Ontario. Mr. Doerr and I have agreed that the concept deserves fur- ther investigation and Mr. Doerr will be seeing to it that this is brought to the attention of the College. Mr. Gilgan, Dean of Academic Studies, is at present meeting with the faculty of New Westminster Senior Secondary School regarding liaison between their faculty and faculty members from his Division. This augurs well for future relationships within the community. On Friday, April 2, and Saturday, April 3, Douglas College Theatre stu- dents will present Neil Simon's de- lightful comedy, The Good Doctor, which is based on the short stories and sketches of Anton Chekhov. It is a series of humorous vignettes with musical accompaniment. Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. at the James Cowan Theatre in Burnaby. Board members are cordially invited to attend. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVEL- OPMENT Mr. G. DellaMattia and I have completed wee ee a first draft of an Educational Policy Manual, for the use of the Governance System of the College, A Colloquium on the 5-Year Plan was held, involving all educational ad- ministrators of the College, on March 2. Further meetings of the Editorial Board occurred last week and this week. Work is progressing well on the Plan. I have received the report and recom mendations of the Educational Leave Committee, and take pleasure in inform ing the Board that the following fac- ulty members have received paid educa- tional leave over the next academic year: Mr. Al Lawson, Septmeber 1, 1982 to August 31, 1983. Ms. Sherry Ladorook, Counselling De- partment, April 1, 1982 to Jume 30, 1982. Mr. Eugene Hrushowy, Social Services and Allied Health Department, September 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982. Mr. Nick Mansfield, Social Sciences De- partment, January 1, 1983 to April 30, 1983. A number of other excellent proposals were accepted and recommended by the Educational Leave Committee, but could not be implemented due to limitations on budget. The second College Colloquium was held on February 26th. Subjects revolved around policy issues in higher education. The Colloquium is a commendable develop- ment activity, and we look forward to in- creasing College and Commmity interest. Board members are cordially invited. The first meeting of the Educational Policy and Planning Committee occurred on Wednesday, March 17. The first policy recommendations of that committee are being presented to the Board at this meeting. In due course, I will be ar-