NEVER TOO OLD! DOUGLAS COLLEGE has moved into a “new” educational field relating to “older” people. It is an exciting and challenging area of our society that concerns every one of us. SPECIALLY DESIGNED COURSES Courses may be designed for: “older” people; peo- ple working with “older” people; those who will be “older” people; and about “older” people . the field is wide open! IF you see the need for a course in this area, phone 588-4411 (local 249) and a College staff member will be happy to discuss it with you. Douglas College is Here to Fulfil the Community’s Educational Needs — But We Need Your Co-operation in Defining Them. e SENIOR CITIZENS PLEASE NOTE: A two-third reduction in fees for all credit courses has been arranged for any senior citizen who wants to re-enter the educational field at Douglas College. Thus, the fee is reduced to $3 for each credit in a course, plus a nominal student activity fee of $3. MORE RE THE BOB SWITZER SHOW "Retired - Rut Inspired!' ; tecause I Was in a hurry to make the "Mad Hatter" deadline I did not give Eloise _suffietent” information regarding the above, with the result that it reads as if Pourlas College only has the first session (Tuesday, Jan, 7th at 1 Dome) K tetually the whole series is ours and our name will be displayed each time. ‘ach meal T shall introduce a different guest with something of interest for the retired viewer. Tr the first nine shows are successful it is entirely possible that Bob Svitzer may offer us a continuetion of the series for several more weeks, I do have a few more ’ cuests lined up with this in view, but if anyone reading this has an idea for a topic or a verson, please do get in touch with me. Leave a message with Joyce Chevsky at pce Local 249; or call me at home (531-3700) any time - there is a recorder on my Jean M, Buzan :