Huy? Mi iitP © Get slicked, slick! > A beginner's guide to pomade Peter Tran Contributor omade is a waxy, greasy, or gel-like hair product that comes in many different forms and variations. You might be thinking, “Then I’ll just use gel, or wax. Same thing!” Well, Slick, pomade has a range that goes way beyond just fitting the crunchy confines of that gel your mom bought you. Plus, it’s slicker than the deodorant-like hair wax you bought from the drugstore—no worries, we were all naive once. Your hair is unique—it can do things other people's hair can’t—so don’t use the same one- size-fits-all product everyone else is using! Treat yourself to a little pomade. You might be saying to yourself, “It’s not me, I'll probably look silly. I don’t even know what pomade is or where to start!” No worries! Think of this as your own personal beginners guide to pomade. Okay, so you decided to pick a pomade, but these Squares are using fancy terms like “orthodox”, “slickness”, “matte”, and you haven't a clue what any of them mean. Well—in greaser speak— orthodox means that the product will harden and stay in place like a gel would, unmoving. Unorthodox means—you guessed it—non-hardening and what you probably would imagine when you think of pomade to begin with. Unorthodox pomades allow for you to fix your hair up throughout the day with a comb or hand. Slickness pertains to the product’s ability to grip and stick with the rest of your hairs. As for matte, it means the opposite of shine, and gives more of a natural no-product look with a nice texture. With that newfound knowledge, the choices become a lot easier with only two types of pomade to choose from: Water-based and oil-based. Water-based pomades generally act more like your typical gel, but some are able to be restyled throughout the day with a little water and combing. These are great for clean-cut looks or when you don’t want the wind to soil your day. Recently however, pomade- makers has been mixing it up and pumping out amazing new water-based pomades that are unorthodox, able to move freely, and restyle like oil-based pomades. Water-bases wash out with ease because, well, they’re water based. Oil-based pomades are your traditional pomades, just like our grandparents wore—return their calls, you monster! These pomades are versatile, and are capable of giving you different looks. These generally take a few washes to get entirely out of your hair. “Why would I want product to still be in my hair! That’s disgusting!” You may be asking, Well, the only thing nasty here is that attitude, because having build-up in your hair means you have a base to work with the next day when applying! This means better styling and shaping. It also means that youre using less product per application, so it’s a win-win! Pomade is a tool used to get that clean, messy, or stylized look that fits you just right. However, good hair is not achieved with product alone. Practice goes a long way. Remember not to add too much product; you don’t want a stick of butter in your hair, as it means less volume. Try to work your pomade through slightly damp hair for easier application. Applying bone dry is a no-go. Apply the pomade and work with your hair, not against it. Find your cowlicks and crowns, use them for volume. After all that flow is slicked and combed, get out there and be confident in who you are. After all, confidence is the sexiest trait one can have. Illustration by Cara Seccafien The passing of TotalBiscuit > Noted YouTube gaming critic dies at 33 Duncan Fingarson Senior Columnist n May 24, John “TotalBiscuit” Bain died of cancer, surrounded by his loved ones. He was 33. Four years ago, Bain was diagnosed with colon cancer. Despite treatment, the cancer metastasized to his liver a year later. The average life expectancy for inoperable liver cancer is two to three years. Sadly, Bain never made it past that average. I never met TotalBiscuit, though I wanted to one day. In the spirit of full journalistic disclosure, something he fought for in his career as a games critic, I fully admit that I was a fan of his for years. Right now, I am as old as he was when he was diagnosed, and that’s a scary thought. To the best of my knowledge, I don’t have cancer, and I hope I never do. However, this article is not about me. This is about John Bain; his work, his principles, and what he meant to at least one of his fans. Bain’s work in games media started in 2005, running the World of Warcraft fan radio station WoW Radio. The show lasted until 2010, after which he started his own website,, and branched into other gaming content. Throughout his career Bain was first and foremost a PC gaming critic, his popular “WTF Is...?” series spanning 334 YouTube videos and covering everything from “Triple A’ releases (releases made by a major video game studio or publisher, usually with a high budget and expected to generate a high revenue) to small indie games (independently made games, usually created by an individual or a small studio with a lower budget). To date, the series has received over nine million collective views. John was also the host of the GameStation Podcast, which later became the Co-Optional Podcast when it was acquired by Polaris, and eventually moved to Bain’s own channel. Quite often, Bain would make a discussion vlog concerning a topic which he felt deserved attention, and a video would get devoted to talking about it with gameplay in the background. Usually these topics were linked to consumer advocacy and condemning shady business practices by game companies, game journalists, and third-party retail sites such as G2A. Bain was an outspoken man, harshly criticizing anti-consumer practices wherever he saw them. He often spoke about how hard he tried to be honest and ethical in all of his own business dealings, and how he felt he had earned the trust of his audience and would never risk it by taking an undisclosed sponsorship. TotalBiscuit had critics of his own. He wasn't perfect. He could be abrasive on Twitter and earned himself enemies all across the political spectrum. Bain owned his mistakes, apologizing for things he had done in the past and stated that he was trying hard not to do them again. Ultimately, though, he was a supporter of human rights and equal treatment. Once, after having a transgender guest on his podcast provoked a negative response from part of the audience, Bain released a half hour audio log in defence of his guest, condemning hatred, bigotry, and outright stating that he did not want those people as his fans. That’s the sort of man he was. I enjoyed his content. I didn’t always agree with him—we had vastly different tastes in puzzle games—but I respected him. ] want to express my support for those who knew him personally in their time of loss. Rest in peace, John Bain. You will be missed. John “TotalBiscuit” Bain via Youtube