www.theotherpress.ca HUMOUR. =. i ele: TIPS TO HAVING THE BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER mM LiViA ald de Pe ee eh ed ee ae eC ia eee col ae A ee Seine Seer eee ele ite eat ao bs LE sic Pier t ada college. -Always keep a canteen of sour milk in yourbackpack; ea Le 9 aed eee Tele tol aL call beanie ia - PSR anand hs herds ae float ||| are that aD ie ie ee A itl eis teacher’ Tih roy + Piehmm cM nti Ti a oes rr into the gym and eS. ae shed Ty ae ae Tet Eel eT oes ani ie eet Eerie Ahan to et the ate aT : i Sauna lsl th a nee fs pC Pay aaa nearest window to prove that you a Peart eee cry ca Te ao ee a 1c possible vandalism charge. Bs ; eerie school Li ae aT 2 ee ee by: COS Bilan tmnt nS My ae Seas Ves -I-f that fails, scream, "The school is Recor Lh Sera ya eeta eel | ie ee ey CMa te ee im ats tte) Pop) ee et back in, set up a fun game of Indoor aaa aL Dy ee -It's all fun and games until someone Be Pah ae ait sprinklers with an extra sharp pencil. ei a eles rics oe hallway starts to flood. Instead, run ‘ rata cl Co tae heel g msl tM arte Cam oleh e) Len Stelle) a ae oa aL) ie rate ra and ill , Lia ie rast cs oon eae ce CULT El ea a eee y Bee ey mt Cet te aaa eau ee un tu ci that Nill i got Ptr 7 ranean by tery enplann ate ek have a , ipa aaa that's only for newborn Wee ae an Dua) Rt) Le vr} re actually a as ate Belgee teil A Tab “After all, the cdi era ROS CMa ier: mately ~and a flat a OLE t have et le F ar Re ice) see) re Cea Mette) never have to lia about school or work-ever again. CHECK ITout: "MUSIC To GET WEEP Y- DRUNK To.” ©2013 Kyle Lees THIS IS Just AN -AVI FILE oF HIGH FIDELITY oN A CD-R. skininjas. com a 23