@ www theotherpress.ca By Allie Davison, Staff Writer ired of being referred to as the | “sweet tooth” of operating systems, Android has decided to steer away from delicious treats when launching its new operating systems line. “Our theory with naming the new line was to choose something people would take more seriously than desserts,” chief of naming operations, Sandra Ardnas, said. “There will be no more jokes around the water cooler about knocking down the ’Gingerbread’ house, or how there’s too many bugs in the "Honeycomb.”” Android is definitely turning over a new leaf with their newest operating system: Android 4.0 Spinach. Ardnas had this to add: “Doing away with our previous OS names was a bold move, and you can be sure it came from up top, but all of us at Android are confident about its success.” Android has already made Continued on pg.25 plans for future operating system names; be sure to look out for 5.0 Brussels Sprouts, 6.0 Dried Fruit, and, eventually, 7.0 Yams. Spinach, which was previously named the whimsical Ice Cream Sandwich, will have all the features of its predecessors (Gingerbread and Honeycomb) plus a few added bonuses. On top of the heavily- advertised face recognition feature, Android has managed to keep a few secrets about their new OS. An anonymous source from inside the Android hive had this spoiler to spill: “Your face isn’t the only thing your Android will be able to recognize. Just hold any vegetable up to the camera, and your phone will automatically tell you what it is!” With this revolutionary technology Android has taken away any unwanted vegetable surprises. Who’s the Genius now, Apple? Morrissey to retire from music to spend more time making racist remarks Humour Android launches new OS line: gross, but healthy, snack food Poll: Jon Huntsman’s family unaware of presidential bid