‘LETTITOR: Now with 50% less editing! aw _T’m ata student journalism conference in Ottawa _as I write this. Earlier today, I was at a meeting for Editors-In-Chiefs (or whatever the correct ' pluralization is), and one of the editors from Newfoundland made an impassioned plea. “Please guys, whatever you do,” he said earnestly, “don’t ° write stories about going to this'conference in ‘your paper. Students hate reading that kind of masturbatory tripe.” And I largely agree. I mean hell, I am barely enjoying this trip myself. The weather is terrible and most of the other newspaper people are ugly. So why would I assume it would be any _.more fun for you to read about than it is to actually experience? EARNS January 21, 2008 I’m only noting that I’m at this conference so you know what to blame if this issue seems a tad... rougher than usual. I know, I know, it’s not always a masterpiece at the best of times, but I have an excuse this time around. With all the conferencing and so on, I’ve been too busy to give this issue the thorough cleanup it deserves, and as a result you may see a few more quirks than usual. But I’m editing on a crappy Macintosh laptop in a depressing hotel room in a foreign time zone. So give me a break here. In other news, I would like to give a huge shout-out of thanks to all those students who ‘have emailed me over the last two weeks about getting a job at the Other Press. | have been truly overwhelmed by the level of interest in the paper and the enthusiasm that many students seem to have to get involved. I’m still sorting through the deluge of resumes and applications, so if I haven’t gotten back to you just yet don’t worry, I will soon. In retrospect, sending spam-style solicitation emails to all students was a brilliant idea I should have employed much earlier in the year. I now understand why all those Nigerian princes drive better cars than | do. Anyhow, see you next week back in sunny BC and enjoy this special under-edited edition of the Other Press. You can eyen make it into a game, if you want. Circle all the brazen errors I overlooked and then email me your seore. You won’t win anything, but you will help me feel more guilty and ashamed than I already do, and hey, that’s prize enough, right? J.J. McCullough Editor in Chief of the Other Press Interested in current events? Like to dig up dirt? well then, perhaps you should BECOME THE OTHER PRESS’ Reporting! Writing! Actual money! Earn $240 per month as a student journalist Email J.J.at editor.otherpress@gmail.com