LETTITOR The Other Press: How I learned to stop worrying and love change hether you’re an Avid Alvin or a Casual Cassidy, I’d wager to guess that, upon picking up this week’s issue of your Douglas College student newspaper you thought to yourself “something looks... different.” Well dear, observant reader, you’d be right. Every now and then it’s nice to shake things up; if only to remind yourself that you’re alive (finding a pulse can be tricky). I’m not suggesting that we’re going to get into the habit of reinventing the wheel each and every issue—I’m not entirely crazy... yet— it’s just been a while since we slapped a fresh coat of paint on things around here. Carpe diem, strike while the iron is hot, get while the getting’s good... that sort of thing. While changing things forthe sake of changing things is fun, and kéeps your friends, classmates, and co-workers on edge, I personally think that it’s important to recognize when it’s time to.change. So, like the pros we are, we’ve tightened some screws, washed our hair, and brushed our metaphorical teeth to, as usual, bring you only the tops in news, arts, life & style, opinions, sports, and more. If nothing else it’s my hope that, with the addition of that “and more” bit at the end, I’ve at least managed to raise a brow. Don’t strain yourself though. I refuse to be held responsible for any strained brows. For starters, we hope you’ ll notice that, from cover to comics, the freshly revamped look and feel of The Other Press is well, fresh. Speaking of fresh, let’s take a look at one of the biggest additions in this week’s issue... a new section! It’s an old favourite—okay, you caught me, I was lying when I just said it was new—and is something I doubt many would argue against us needing more of in our lives, especially as stressed out, tantrum-prone students: humour. I recently had the chance to ask our new section editor, Liam Britten, for a quote for this very lettitor. His reply contained an image too inappropriate and wild for publication along with the following: “T am thrilled to be at the helm of the Humour section. I feel Humour is one of, if not the most important sections in the paper, so all the other section editors can shove it. I’m dedicated to news. Hard news. I will look under every stone, at the bottom of every beer glass, and in every strip club back room to find the truth. I don’t believe in journalistic bias, because bias is just another word for racism. And racism is bad; even a Swedish person knows that. So read Humour. It’s got the good stuff.” Wow, what enthusiasm! Thanks Liam. To close things off I’d just like to say that if you’ve ever been even remotely interested in getting involved here at The Other Press, there’s no better time than right now. There’s plenty of ways to contribute; from writing articles, taking photographs, or doing illustrations, to simply providing ee ee rants, or comments about something you’re read in the paper. feedback to help us improve the paper. _ Later days, I’m on my email far too much as it is, so help me fuel my addiction by Cody Klyne contacting me directly at editor@ Editor in chief theotherpress.ca with your questions, The Other Press ACROSS 1- FAST FLIERS, 5- BEDOUIN, 9- ORGS., 14-__THE CRACK OF DAWN 15- BUNDLE, 16- RELIGION FOUNDED IN IRAN, 17- ABLE WAS _ ... 18- PULITZER WINNER JAMES, 19- BUILD, 20- VESSEL WITH TWO MASTS, 22- CURRENCY UNIT IN NIGERIA, 23- DOO-WOP SYLLABLE 24- ARABIAN SEA VESSEL, 25- "THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK,” E.G. 29- ANCIENT TONGUE, 32- EXTEND INTO SUBDIVISIONS 34- ANNOY, 39- EXTENDED FAMILY UNIT, 40- AGES 42- "THE TIME MACHINE" RACE, 43- NATIVE, 45- BANNER 47- BEAT BY A HAIR, 49- CONFUSION, 50- EVALUATE 54- EGG HEAD?, 56- EUROPEAN WHEAT 57- CALCIUM CARBONATE ROCK, 63- LOW POINT, 64- DIES _ 65- MAKE _ FOR IT, 66- CLEAR THE BOARD, 67- AFRICAN CHIEFTAIN 68- GENTLEWOMAN, 69- CONTINUE A SUBSCRIPTION, 70- LACKING 71- ZENO'S HOME DOWN 1- DIAMONDS, E.G., 2- GUSH, 3- EDIBLE CORM, 4- FLOWER PART 5- DISCONCERT, 6- DISHEVELED, 7- "HARD _ !" (SAILOR'S YELL) 8- ALE, E.G., 9- EASTERN ALGONQUIAN LANGUAGE, 10- IT'S A WRAP 11- ARAB CHIEF, 12- MOTHER-OF-PEARL, 13- LUTE OF INDIA 21- YEAH, RIGHT!, 24- CURT, 25- FLATFOOT'S LACK 26- COMPOSER SCHIFRIN, 27- MUSLIM ELDER AND PRAYER-LEADER 28- COMMON HOP, 30- __ JANEIRO, 31- DIRECTIONAL ENDING 33- FENCED AREAS, 35- NEW AGE MUSICIAN JOHN, 36- INTER _ 37- FAST-FOOD OPTION, 38- HALF OF ZWEI 41- HOSP. READOUT, 44- LIE SCATTERED OVER, 46- SGTS., E.G. 48- REALM, 50- "LOU GRANT" STAR, 51- SURPLUS, 52- FOUR-DOOR 53- BEETHOVEN DEDICATEE, 55- SWERVES, 57- FALSEHOODS 58- "THE JOY OF COOKING" AUTHOR ROMBAUER, 59- ACCOUNT 60- LIKE SOME HISTORY, 61- UNCLOTHED, 62- "ONLY TIME" SINGER The Other Crossword Puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com. Used with permission. {135 8 5 je |? Is 39 Yio Jii Jiz Ji 14 is 13 i7 is i3 20 21 2 2B 24 25 [26 |27 {28 23 30 |31 «ae 32 33 34 35 136 [37 1/38 35 a 41 | i 43 Ad a5 46 So 151 |52 153 54 155 56 57 [58 59 160 |61 [62 63 64 66 67 65 70