INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 14, 1989 PRESIDENT’S REPORT A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL On January 5, 11, and 16, meetings occurred in Maple Ridge which have resulted in a formal meeting of the Douglas College Board, Maple Ridge Municipal Council, and the School Board of School District #42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows). This meeting en- dorsed the planning to date for the "Thomas Haney Project". This project was previously known as the "Telosky Project" and the approval of the name of the Centre signals the end of the initial cycle of joint planning. The project is now into the land acquisition phase, with promises of support from the provincial government. The joint meeting of the three agen- cies involved, has resulted not only in the adoption of a name for the project, but also a formal approval of the planning proces- ses to date, approval of the concept of a community-based steering committee, and of a framework for physical plant and program planning. In the near future, I intend to make provision to support these planning processes. Simultaneously, meetings have been occurring in Coquit- lam, with regard to the planning of a permanent major campus in the Coquitlam Town Centre, in addition to identifying space that could be used on a short 10 term basis for College programs in that municipality. It is clear that additional resources will be required in the near future, for educational plan- ning in the Coquitlam area, and I intend to ensure that these plan- ning processes are well supported. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION On January 12 and 13, J at- tended meetings of the Board of Directors of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges in Hull. This meeting included a ses- sion spent with senior officials in the Ministry of the Secretary of State, CIDA, and the CEIC.. Officials in CEIC spoke to me about their interest and ex- citement regarding the in-plant literacy program currently being undertaken by Douglas College, the Hospital Employee’s Union, and the Royal Columbian Hospi- tal Administration. Another national literacy pro- gram has been funded by the Ministry of the Secretary of State, to be operated through ACCC. Mia Gordon, Director of Student Services and Developmental Education will be sitting on the Steering Com- mittee of that project. w <' % C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION Chairmen of our Standing Educational Committees have been meeting in December and January, in order to identify ways of improving our present somewhat cumbersome and frustrating model of operation. On January 5, a new student orientation was Carried out by our Student Services and Developmental Education Department. On January 9, I was invited to meet with the Student Society’s representative committee in order to discuss College development. On January 17, I made a presentation to faculty and staff in our Maple Ridge Centre regarding our long range plans for collaboration with the School District, and more specifically, the Thomas Haney project. Mr. Denis Therrien, District Superintendent of Schools, also presented informa- tion on developments within the school district. During the month, discus- sions have been continuing with representatives of the Health In- formation Technology Program, which is slated to move from BCIT to Douglas College in Sep- tember; simultaneous discussions continue regarding the identification of space within which two other voca- continued on page 11 a6 ay a eS ca em SC EO