MAD HATTER 2 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR: Current Office Hours Effective April 1/87 to April 30/87 Monday-Thursday: 1000 hours - 1900 hours Friday: 1000 hours - 1600 hours Closed weekends and holidays. New Office Summer Hours Effective May | to TBA Monday & Tuesday: 1000 hours - 1600 hours Wednesday & Thursday: 1000 hours - 1900 hours Friday: 1000 hours - 1600 hours Closed weekends and holidays RELIEF COORDINATORS - SUMMER 1987 The following faculty have been selec- ted as relief Coordinators for the Summer semester: Ist Year Nursing: Fran Johnson -May | to August 31, 1987 2nd Year Psychiatric Nursing: Ray Fournier -May | to August 31, 1987 2nd Year General Nursing: Shirley McKinley -June | to August 7, 1987 Joy Holmwood ‘menor owe ener forse nree oan CANCER FUND | am a canvasser for the Canadian Cancer Society, and would be deligh- ted to receive your contribution. Income tax receipts will be issued. Murray Leslie, Dept. of Commerce and Business Administration STUDENT HANDBOOK SUBMISSIONS All College Personnel: In order that we may provide the most current information in the Student Handbook, we welcome input from any interested College employee. Criti- ques are welcome as well. Deadline for submissions is Monday, June 8/87. Please direct all correspondence to room 2780. Merrilyn Houlihan Douglas College Student Society MAD HATTER ISSUE DATES FOR SUMMER 1987 Effective April 13th, the Mad Hatter will be issued every two weeks during the summer months. The following is a schedule of issue dates and deadline dates. April 27th issue- deadline April 22 May |2th issue- deadline May 5 May 26th issue- deadline May 19 June 9th issue- deadline June 2 June 23rd issue- deadline June 16 July 7th issue- deadline June 30 July 21st issue- deadline July |4 August 4th issue- deadline July 28 August | 8th issue- deadline Aug 12 September Ist issue- deadline Aug 25 NOTE: Submissions must be typed or in neat handwriting/printing. Phone calls/messages will not published. GEORGE WOOTTON SCHOLARSHIP Two scholarships (of approximately $500 each) in honour of George Wootton, the first president of Douglas College, are available this year to graduating students in any program who have shown: 1) superior scholastic ability, and 2) significant participation in college and community activities Candidates for this award must be nominated by a student, staff, or faculty member. Nominations must in- clude a letter of recommendation giv- ing the reasons for the nomination. Nominations for candidates from the May 1987 graduating class must be received by the Student Finance Office by Friday, May Ist, 1987. Patty Lewis RRSP - DEFERRED SALARY LEAVE Due to recent changes in the tax laws it may be possible to implement a flexible RRSP program through payroll deduction. Although details are somewhat vague at this time, ‘Deferred Salary Leave Plan’ deductions appear to be a possi- bility.