someone does lock their bike to one of these rigged structures, all a thief has to do is swoop in and lift the pole or rack off the ground. There’s even a handy-dandy nickname for a pole that’s been strategically loosened by a bike thief: a “sucker pole.” In this case, the sucker is you. OT LL aca LR An sesg Tele While a lot of what we've explored paints a dark future for bike owners in Vancouver, there are some sunny rays starting to pierce through those ominous clouds. Enter “Project 529,” a group that’s partnered with the city and Vancouver Police Department to create an online registry for bike owners. Once an account is created on the registry, known as 529 Garage, users can create a profile of their bike, including the model, serial number, manufacturer, and colour, as well as upload a photograph for any unique marks or distinguishing features. Best of all, the registry is 100 per cent free to use. “Right now, bike registration is making a large impact on bike theft for the better,” says Gallagher. "[529 Garage] has had a good record of returning bikes to their owners. If every bike was registered with this system, it would be much more difficult for bike thieves to get away with it.” For me, the worst aspect of having a bike stolen would be the loss of joy. It wasn’t until | started using my bike as my primary method of transportation during spring and summer that | began to truly explore and appreciate Vancouver. Buses and SkyTrain cars can feel like mausoleums compared to two-wheeling it, and at the end of a night out, it sure beats texting to see when the next night bus comes. What I'm trying to say is, yes, hearing about the ridiculous number of bike thefts happening in Vancouver and all the different ways in which people are trying to steal things that don’t belong to them is more than a little disheartening. However, try to remember why you decided to start biking in the first place: it’s convenient; it’s a great exercise; it helps reduce carbon emissions and urban congestion, and, perhaps most importantly, it’s a whole lot of fun. Plus, | really, really hate taking night buses.