DR. HOPKINS RESIGNS The College Board at Douglas College regretfully accepted the resignation of Dr. Hopkins on January 13. Dr. Hopkins has been on the College Board since the beginning of February 1984. As well he was on the Board of Directors of the Douglas College Foundation, and the Finance Facility and Personal Committee. Always in- terested and enthusiastic, he was very apparent around the college attending most of the college functions. CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS PROJECT INITIATED Now that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been fully implemented it is essential that Douglas College en- sure that the teaching of the charter is integrated into the college program. The Charter has the potential to bring about profound change in the commu- nity and as a teaching institution and a community college we must be ac- tively involved in fostering under- standing, initiating community dis- cussion, and preparing our students to participate in the shaping of their society. Responding to a brief with the above ideals the management of Douglas College has thrown its support behind the creation of a cross-divisional project to explore ways of integrating the teaching of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into College curri- culum. A steering committee has been formed with the following members: Pam Aitken, Connie Broatch, Terry Farrell, Kathleen Heggie, Silvia McFadyen Jones, Gary Parkinson, and Ralph Stanton. Other interested faculty are welcome to join. The cross-divisional committee will explore the following objectives: |. The identification of library needs. 2. The extent to which Charter material is used in programs within each divi- sion. 3. The need for the development of curriculum materials to be used for teaching about the Charter. 4. The need for professional develop- ment programs to build a body of knowledgeable faculty. Future issues of the Mad Hatter will in- clude a series of short reports dealing with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Watch for it. Gary Parkinson VISIT THE NEW WESTMINSTER LAW LIBRARY One of the major law libraries in the province is located next door to the college. If you would like to know what services they provide, what materials they hold, how you can use it, join us for a library tour. Date: Thursday, February 5, 1987 Time: 1200 hours Meet at the information desk in the Douglas College Library. Since space is limited please call Ralph Stanton in the library to let him know that you plan to attend. Sponsored by the Cross-Divisional Charter of Rights and Freedoms Project. HOST FAMILIES WANTED A group of 25 Korean students are coming for the week of February 7 - 14, 1987. Contact Judy Murray at local 4200 if you are interested in hosting one of these students. SKI TRIP TO MANNING PARK Day ski trip to Manning park. Tran- sporation only $27, plus equipment $35. Lesson included. Date: Saturday, January 31, 1987. Contact: Wilda at local 5020 to book your space. Friends and family welcome. THE JUSTICE COURTS - AN INSIDE VIEW Interested in learning about how the law courts and our criminal justice system works? How about participating in a mock murder trial and assuming the role of a judge, crown prosecutor, or defence lawyer? Members of the public who want to know more about the operations of a criminal court trial and the people in- volved in the legal process are invited to attend “An Inside View of the Law Courts”, a special two-evening work- shop being offered by Douglas College. Classes will be held at the New West- minster Court-House and the B.C. Supreme Court Building on February | 1th and 18th from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. To register, or for further information contact Commynity Programs and Services.