side The Douglas College Newsletter ™ New Westminster Campus, David Lam Campus 2004 New Vice President, Education takes office this month She's a familiar face ina new role, and connecting with faculty throughout the College is one of the top priorities for the new Vice President, Education. Starting mid-October, Jan Lindsay, currently Dean of Child, Family and Community Studies, takes over her new position. “I believe in being as visible as I can, getting out to all areas, making sure I’m available to hear concerns and then working to respond to them,” she says “If youre out there hearing concerns and then trying to respond, it makes people realize that they do have support from administration.” One of her first priorities will be getting to know faculty and faculty-based support staff throughout the College. “l’m going to spend time getting to as many meetings with faculty as I can. I think it will be important for me to connect with them through specific committees, such as the Academic Affairs Committee. They're doing very interesting work that will support many of the new initiatives we're looking at related to degree and non-degree program development,” she says. “The Educational Leave Committee would be another one where I could hear about things that are important to faculty in terms of their professional development and applied research activities. I'll also be working directly with the deans. Through the Vice President Academic Council (VPAC) they are able to bring forward all current and pressing issues within their areas, so I see this council as a place for me to be kept informed and in touch with what's going on in each Faculty.” Lindsay is also looking forward to joining the senior management team, which she sees as having a good mix of personalities and working styles that blend with her own. Her beliefin team building and team relationships is echoed amongst the other members, a connection that she feels is vital to the institution as whole. “If you have that connection at the administrative level, then it reflects down through the organization, and everyone gets the sense that we are working and pulling together,” she says. “But that’s not to say that we wont challenge each other! You have to be prepared to put forward the things that are really key to your area. You have to voice your Issues as clearly as you can so that people coming from other areas can understand them.” Another of Lindsay's priorities will be to move forward with the Academic Strategic Plan. Asa member of VPAC, she has worked with the plan since the beginning, and is pleased by the initial positive response. “I’ve looked at plans from other colleges and | haven't seen anything as detailed or forward-thinking as ours. We've been quite daring in laying out in detail the kinds of citations, advanced diplomas and degrees we'd like to have, rT e eee Dr. Jan Lindsay takes office as Vice President, Education on October 15. and we're going to move forward.” Her plans include working with the President's reference group to circulate the Plan throughout the internal community for further validation and feedback, and taking it out to the external communities that the College serves. £ Lindsay's experience in post-secondary education is extensive. She has worked in three different BC colleges in a variety of teaching, coordinating and administrative positions. For the past four years, she has been Dean of Child, Family and Community Studies at Douglas College, and before that was Department Head of Human Services at Selkirk College. In 2003, she received her Doctorate of Psychology - Organization Development with a focus on higher education from The Professional School of Psychology. The whole curriculum focused around working in post-secondary education, which allowed her to examine it froma much broader perspective, promotung change froma broad organizational viewpoint. Although Lindsay views organization from a broad perspective she also recognizes the importance of interpersonal relationships. “Twant to work at a direct person-to-person level,” she says. “I feel that if you can develop relationships with people then you can usually work out any problem. | truly believe that. P’ve always maintained an open-door policy, and I’m hoping that people will still feel welcome in my office, even thought it’s going to be a bit harder to find me at first!” IN Douglas College Healthy outlook for Nursing Degree The Degree Quality Assessment Board visited Douglas College on September 22 to assess the College's ability to support a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. They met with administrators, faculty and students throughout the day to gather information about the College's plans and capacity to offer the Degree. “They will make a report to the government Degree Quality Assessment Board," says Joy Holmwood, Dean of Health Sciences. “We expect to hear from them in mid-November about their decision.” The Board members are (seated, left to right): Dr. Landa Terblanche (Trinity Western University), Dr. Chinnama Baines (formerly of UCC and UNBC) and Dr. Rene Day (University of Alberta). Honouring our own Don't miss the seventh annual Employee Recognition Reception, held Friday, October 29 at the New Westminster Campus, followed by the Retirement Dinner. This year, 71 employees will be recognized at the Recognition Reception, honouring employees with 15, 20, 25 and 30-plus years of service. The Excellence Awards and Team Effort Awards will also be presented during this ime. The Recognition Reception starts at 3:30pm; everyone Is encouraged to attend. Phe Retirement Dinner follows the Recognition Reception and will honour 19 retirees. The dinner begins at approximately 6pm, Both the Recognition Reception and Retirement Dinner take place in the upper cafeteria at the New Westminster Campus. Tickets for the Retirement Dinner can be purchased by calling Wendy Davies, New Westminster Campus at 604-527-5340 room 4011 or Yvonne Mostert, David Lam Campus, 604-777-6168. Quote of the Month “Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973)