a MAD HATTER PAGE 5 to have Douglas College enlarge its pro- gram to a full 100 additional FTE stu- dents during this next year. D. Internal Matters - Labour Relations A number of meetings have been held with representatives of the Faculty Associa- tion and the B.C.G.E.U. - mostly in the sharing of budget information with them as our Expenditure Plan for this year has evolved. We have held a discussion with the Faculty Association regarding our current involvement with the Know- ledge Network. One of the two outstand- ing grievances with the Faculty Associa- tion has been dropped. I participated informally in several meetings toward the end of the now suc cessfully concluded negotiations with the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Associa- tion. Because of the peculiar nature of the negotiations, their successful con- clusion reflects very well on all part- icipants. E. Internal Matters - General This last month saw a memborable fare- well party for Kevin Hallgate, Student Association President, and the welconr ing of Tim Shein as the new President of the Student Society. I had the priv ilege of hosting the two Presidents at lunch, in order to discuss future direc- tions for the College, and the relation- ship of the Student Society to the Col- lege. I have had a meeting with a represent- ative of Woods Gordon Consultants Ltd., who are carrying out a survey of remmn- eration of excluded personnel in order to assist the commissioner responsible for salary stabilization. Mr. Sawka is assembling the necessary information re- quested. Because of my presence at Northwest Col- lege, I was not present at the Douglas College graduation ceremonies last week. There seems to be complete agreement that in future, the College President must be present at graduation. Such will be the case. TO: ALL ADMINISTRATORS MOVE TO THE PERMANENT CAMPUS - REPORTING STATIONS AND REPORTING TO WORK Pursuant to Article 15.06(c) of the col- lective agreement between Douglas Col- lege and the B.C.G.E.U., all employees covered by this agreement shall be giv- en a minimm of thirty (30) calendar days advance notice when reporting sta- tions are to be changed. In view of the College's move to the permanent campus, notice should be giv- en to employees regarding your depart- ment's anticipated date of move at least 30 calendar days prior to that move date. Your attention to this matter is apprec- lated. C.E. Barber, Personnel Officer COMMUNITY SHARING: LAKESIDE PROJECT & SIMON FRASER SOCIETY PROJECT TO: BILL DAY, DEANS AND BURSAR FROM: JIM DOERR I have received verbal notice from the Ministry of Education that we have been successful in obtaining funding for the three faculty positions in these two projects. I have been assured that we will receive written confirmation shortly. As well the Ministry of Human Resources has redefined its funding of the techni- cian positions associated with the Simon Fraser Society Project. This will mean we can now provide education programs to the whole College and not just to resi- dents of Coquitlam/Maple Ridge.