COINCIDENCE?77? How much of it was coin- cidence? | refer to the assas~- sinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were concerned with civil ‘rights. Lincoln was elected President in 1860; Kennedy in 1960. Both were slain on a Friday and tn the presence of their wives. Both were shot from behind and in the head. The successors, both named Johnson, were Southern Democrats and both were in the Senate. Andrew Johnson was born In 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth was born In 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939. Booth and Oswald were Southerners favoring un- popular ideas. Both Presidents' wives lost children through death while in the White House. Lincoln's secretary, whose name was Kennedy, advised him not to go to the theatre. Kennedy's secretary, whose name was Lincoln, advised him not to go to Dallas. John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and ran to a warehouse. - Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theatre. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contaln seven letters. The names Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson each contain thirteen letters. The names John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each contain fifteen letters. Both assassins were killed before being brought to trial. Both Johnsons were opposed for reelection by men whose names start with "6G". — TINE HANDMADE MAPLE BCUTTING BOARDS fOR SALE. h ALSO, CUSTOM MAPLE COUNTERTOPS fAADE TO ORDER. CONTACT KATRIN IN SURREY LIBRARY LOCAL. 325 FOR RENT Apt. Apple Green Park - Richmond 2 bedroom and den, 1 1/2 baths location: no 1 road and Francis, $400 per month; including heat, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, available Sept. 1 - April 30 - May 15 phone 277-2786, Mrs. Murdoch. Coquitlam - large 5 bedroom home in good location close to bus route, sports centre, schools and shopping. Partly furnished, asking $600 per mth. for 1 year lease starting Sept. lst. Phone 936-6308. DESPERATELY NEEDED! ! Any used furniture for newly renovated Richmond campus. Contact - Cari Green local 20, Richmond