my mother need to be fucked silly. OIR> cop NF e T'll find her a 30, xO dnat W 2 or 35 year old man an a Wonan wert alway> ee quan tO". ; ane oo : dC . wren! ” spots yn W viral HAO say 2h td horny piso Pon neve someone who will worship her nd mys opit i? nurture her primal instincts and ev re to tell her it's O.K. pollow and cx ‘ ipab dol aa ¢ phat Way hmm...maybe a threesome... S ghey ain ME as 0 I hope her husband doesn't mind. - A. Chiotakos flowers in water iF L FIGht gran 38.2 BONS I . the rom Your BATS oeneeh but and placed in ath our W aters Re ‘ € u have yo = : Ae ie eesorte apes with the own LiLerat (Ory the beauty of h Soeanns atl ews } \ . hy and So victory da es m her Pe e fa' es even and Fcc prown e £ berh® in cology turn UY . e ; she is removed from d and thrown away sia rv a new woman is as the flower cut from your garden and placed in the vase you have filled with our waters america: sacred sdeted and subtie -a.s. naomi narvey listen to me bese er ae if You truly are one today IS the first day In the voice Of the Mother Ambition A young girl full of dreams and plans one she will succeed and one day fly yy : to see the beauty of space. sen | if you hear her and if you are Not listen; ng YOu will live in eternal pain - by Bonnie Jean Reynolds a: poe Sp BE yrow® realizing not every dream can come true Cos ag sad frustrated at not excelling in physics and math 0s broth forced to ground her hopes and search for psd er ase r1'see You laugh a “practical” profession. Ber csre™ at Bo ass ae Ayoung woman : ve as I tell of __ proud to see a Canadian woman in space ae heran that arti co = angry that artists cannot become astronauts one determined to hold on to her dream we Tlau and one day circle with the stars go" oF eh at Your denial psa