February 14,1977 | the other press page 7 Westcoast Actors present | “The Merchant of Venice’’ to March 5, 8:30 -p.m. No perfor- mance on the 16 but one on the 14th. $3.50,$4. weekends. VE- CC., 1895 Venables St.,Van. 254-9578. ART Continuing exhibitions by George Rammell, George Dart and Tom Constable at the Bby. Art Gallery, 6344 Gilpin, Bby. 291-9441. King Lear continues to Feb. 19, 8 p.m. Sats. at 4 and 9 p.m. Playhouse, 575 Beatty, Van. 684-5361. KIDSTUFF The Cultural Centre is show- ing a series of adventure film for children, Sundays, Feb. 20 and 27 at 2 p.m. $.50,$1.00 VECC., 189S Venables, St., Van. Janus Theatre holds over “Our Town’’ to Feb. 26, 8:30 p-m. Sats. 7 and 10 p.m. $4,$3. DYH Lui Theatre 1036 Richards The Burnaby Public Library, St., Van. 669-0931. Central Park Branch is holding a Winnie-the-Pooh party on Sat- urday, Feb. 26, for children from 3-6 at 11 a.m. and 2:30 -_p.m. for school-aged children. Cultural Funk presents Valri Bromfield ip.4‘You’re Eating Out of the id. Dish’’, Sun., Feb. 20, 7 and 9:15 p.m. $3.50 VECC, 1895 Venbles St., Van. James Cowan presents film 254-9578. for children: Feb. 19; ‘‘Flight of the Lost Balloon’’ and) “*King- dom in the Clouds,’’ March 5: “Giant Eel’’ 1 p.m. James Cowan Theater, 6450 Gilpin St., Bby. 291-6864. LOOKING FOR WORK — On campus, part-time jobs are available for students who have applied for student - **A Thousand Clowns’’ to Feb. 26, 8:30 p.m. $3.50,$2. York Theatre, 639 Commercial St., Van. 255-0141. })- loans through the provincial workstudy program. 15 hours a week, *3 per hour Contact Student Placement * DIALOGUE GAMILIEL BRADFORD once said I have never read the New Testament for fear of changing some of my long held views. What about you? a collection of myths?...a theo- logy text book?...reliable or unreliable account of events?... true or false?...How can you know whether there is truth in the Bible...How should you read it?-literally or figuratively-or both?...these will be some of the questions which will be discus- sed this week....Join us for a stimulating time of investigation Whatisthe BIBLE Will be the topic discussed this week at DIALOGUE, a program sponsored by the Douglas College varisty christian fellowship in Rm. 105, Wednesday, Feb. 16th at 4 p.m. WORKSHOPS Stories for Children is the category for the 1977 Burnaby Creative Writers annual writing contest. Rules are available from John Hebgin, 4735 North- lawn, Burnaby. Contest entries must be received by April 30. The North Vancouver Arts Community Council needs paintings for its picture loan. So, it’s sponsoring an open juried competition. Works must be ’76 or ’77 and framed. For details call Mirv Harper at 980-2528. CLASSIFIED For Sale E.T. Mag Wheels (2) 7 by 14 $50 or best offer. 594- 1994 z 1963 Ford Mercury V-8 Engine 4-Dr. Hardtop 526-5690 Ask for The OTHER PRESS Presents aa % Last Grave at Dinbaza > A Documentary film | ofa ghetto in S.Africa rm. 308ab New West Thursday 17 12-2 ALL INVITED bring your lunch -SUMM THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR ANNOUNCES THAT JOB APPLICATIONS FOR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT | ARE AVAILABLE AT ‘ ER EMPLOYMENT WITH THE Douglas College Student Placement Office he Provincial Youth Referral Office British Columbia Ministry of Labour Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. 4, Na Psu coum Employment Programs sy == 7