MAD HATTER 2 NORMA KIDD “It's hard to believe some of the coping strategies that people will use when they try to hide the fact that they cannot read or write,” she says. “Some carry a shame and stigma around for years, and we have to make them realize that just because they did not learn to read or write by Grade 8 that it was not their fault.” Besides helping illiterate adults con- tact education programs in their area, Project Literacy is involved in compi- ling a resource guide for ABE programs in B.C. and answering hundreds of inquiries from potential students. They also sponsored a Walk for Literacy in October 1986 when former Vancouver Mayor Mike Harcourt declared it Vancouver Literacy Day, When special TV programs are shown on the American PBS station, Project Literacy runs a telephone number on the screen and up to |0 volunteers are there to answer calls. In less than two hours, up to 150 contacts can be made. Most importantly, says Kidd, the project is also involved in setting up a literary resource centre where adults can drop in or call to find out about up- grading their skills virtually anywhere in the province. “We want to make sure that adults in B.C. have an opportunity to improve their reading or writing abilities,” Kidd says. "A second chance for learning should always be there.” The presentation of the NCCSCE "Person of the Year” award will be made on April 28 at a special luncheon of the National Council of Community and Junior Colleges in Dallas, Texas. Norma Kidd has been an instructor at Douglas College since 1983 following work with adult literacy programs for the Delta and Coquitlam School Boards and 20 years of teaching. For more information on Project Literacy B.C. please contact Kidd at Douglas College or the ABE Associa- tion at 594-0664. ARTSMART continued Combining an evening lecture for parents only and a two-hour guided tour of the Burnaby Art Gallery with children invited, the program shows parents how to communicate their appreciation and encouragement of their children’s talent. Professor Robert Steel of the Art Education program at UBC will give the lecture and tour of the “Arts Alive in the Schools” exhibit now showing at the Burnaby Art Gallery. The program is only offered on the evening of Thursday, April 30 and the morning of Saturday, May 2. A cost of $20 includes refreshments during the tour. Group size is limited, so parents are encouraged to contact the Community Programs and Services division at Douglas College at 520-5473 for registration information. Norma Kidd, ABE instructor at the Maple Ridge campus of Douglas College was named Person of the Year by Region Ten of the National Council of Community Services and Continuing Education (NCCSCE).