D LN I said goodbye before I said hi Sonam Kaloti Arts Editor the sun drips gold through the windowpane my admiration watching you I cannot feign intimidate me in your collared shirt and tie my resistance to your attraction quickly wanes I watch you overzealous and in a daze jealous of who meets your radiant grin and gaze youre not near yet I'm swept off my feet with you I intend to spend these entire dog days post clock out, you come take a seat force yourself to smile, though I see through your deceit is it something I said? I did? god forbid I mourn how our connection is so bittersweet “today’s been fun, now farewell’ I quickly bid your cold, thoughtful eyes make me realize I hid auditorium hush tells me I’m to be rid auditorium hush tells me I’m to be rid Illustration by CJ Sommerfeld FUGUE CJ Sommerfeld Staff Writer Oh, unrela- ted melo- dic motions Gloving a callused sou- venir pol Yphony of fervour, Ginsberg’s po- Etry room indepen- dent strings of Single notes, stolen au- tonomy Rhythmic li- berties Wild Rose dismay Tempo ru- bato un- folding ly- Rics within a plastic CD ca- Sing, funda- mentally disparate Pencil turn- ing in a cassette spool Stolen time Calder hill, liberty Subjectiv- ity war- ping time, maverick Constructing a new for- gotten past Boomy low resonant full texture Locking eyes with the neigh- bor across The way cow- ering be- hind his desk Three steps back and close the blinds from a- Far sonor- ous ringing pulls the pre- Sent into an abyss closed eyes rush- Ing blood pro- voking de- luged patches A ravine of welfare unfettered By Ital- ian norm ; anarchy Burn the man- ucript hide all there was Disasso- ciate be- wildered wan Dering de- fense noisy character Dissonance blending its waves to the Encircl- ing colour waves Remote pol- yphony Illustration by Sonam Kaloti