TOTEM GOLF TOURNAMENT On the last weekend of September the Deuglas Cellege Gelfing Tean, Fred Kate, Beb Hobbs, Gerden ‘fink and Lee Svepe, journeyed te Kam- leops te play en the first flight ef the Tetem Cenference, competing against six other celleges. after twe days of play and 56 heles later they emerged ene up ever seme very stiff cempetitien. Tve weeks later the team travelled te Castlegar ijshere anether 36 heles vere played. In this flight they picked up nine strekes and emerged ten strekes in the lead. In additien, eut ef a tetal ef feur individual awards they brought heme three. The weekend ef Octeber 20, '73, brought all the teams tegether fer the final 36 holes at Burnaby Meuntain Golf Club . In peuring rain they ran away from all centestants and ,en the Tetem Cenference trephy by a margin ef fifteen strekes ever Walaspina Cellege, the runner-up. Alse, they wen twe eut ef the three individual awards. The playing ef Gerden Mink deserves special mentien. His play threughout was excellent especially en the last day «hen he scered a 4 under par fer the last 18 heles. All the players ares te be cengratulated ter their dedicated a preach, spertsmanship, playing ability and success. The trephy and the team picture «ill be en display in each ef the campus cafeterias. At this time I wish te cenvey te the players the cengratulatiens that I have received frem the celliege persennel and alse my ewn persenal thanks fer a jeb well dene. Your ceach, Wes Gibbens HELP SUPPORT THE SURREY ARTS SOCIETY (0c SERRATE cosa MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE SLOW COMING IN THIS YE..R. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CLUB OR YOU HAVE PAID YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR THIS YEasR. a) Group Membership: 45.00 per year. Please enclose a list of your club's executive membership with your membership fees, or telephone the arts Centre office. b) Individual Membership: ~5.00 per year. This is for individusl applicants and individual members of organizations who wish to obtain voting privileges and/or be eligible for executive status. c) Associate Membership: $2.00 annually - for supportive membership & discounts for Arts Centre events. REMEMBER: YOU MUST BE AN aRTS SOCIETY MEMBER WITH CURRENT MEMBCGRSHIP TO: UaLIFY FOR sNY GRANTS OF .RTS SOCISTY GROUP PRIVILEGES.