February 25, 1995 The Other Press Join the riot! THE LESBIAN AVENGERS uses grassroots activism to fight for lesbian visibil- ity. OUR PURPOSE is to identify and promote lesbian issues and perspectives wnule empowering lesbians to become experienced organizers who can partici- pate in political rebellion. WE RECOGNIZE that there is a wide spectrum of opinion within the lesbian community about what the isses are, how they should be precieved, and what strategies to employ. WHILE WE CELEBRATE the diversity within our community, The Lesbian Avengers is not for everybody. It is for women who want to be involved in activism, work in the community, be creative, do shit-work, change their opin- ions (and especially change others) and share organizational skills. Other strategies are also valid, but The Lesbian Avengers' reason for existing is DIRECT ACTION. ee A The Lesbian Avengers were founded in June 1993 in New York; there is now a chapter in nearly every major Ameri- can city. The Vancouver Lesbian Avengers is the second chapter to start in Canada. (Guelph, Ontario was first.) PARTY & FUNDRAISER GO-GO GIRLS MUSIC MEDIA INSTALLATION SAT, OCT 24 SPM-44AM WE MEET every second and fourth Friday of the month at the Vancouver Lesbian Center 876 Commercial Drive. wg 119 AVE BD, 2nd FLA j = $5 AT THE DOOR : > The LESBIAN AVENGERS ia a direct f a ยข ection group foomed on issues vitel ron 4 ta tastier murvived and visibility, We mont ewary Tuesday at 8PM at the Lestian & Gay Community Services Canter, 208 W 13 St, NYC, Feen trfiess {212} BEP-T71T ext. 3206