INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE/NOVEMBER 29, 1988 r a Simon Fraser University will host a Conference on Explora- tion and Discovery on April 17-19, 1992 to commemorate the arrival of Captain George Vancouver on the Pacific Coast of North America in 1792. The conference will provide an Opportunity for the presenta- tion of new research on social, cultural, economic, scientific, technological, and literary aspects of exploration and dis- covery in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth cen- turies, with attention to all parts of the world but particularly to Career Resource Centre Group Orientation Thurs. Dec. 1 - Free To Market, To Market (Marketing Your Writing) Sat. Dec. 3 - $35 Mini-Dance Workshop - Cha Cha Sat. Dec. 3 - $15 12 Call for Papers the North Pacific. Proposals for papers will be accepted up to September 15, 1989. Conference advisors include Professor Barry Gough, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario; Dr. Alan Frost, Depart- ment of History, La Trobe University, Australia; Professor Christon Archer, University of Calgary; Professor Glydwr Wil- liams, Queen Mary College, London; Professor Ben Finney, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Dr. Kerry Howe, The Australian National University; Professor Rudiger Joppien, West Ger- Douglas College Community Programs Following is a selection of non-credit courses to be offered soon through the Com- munity Programs & Services division of Douglas College. Please refer to ACCESS magazine (obtained in room 2300) for course I.D. numbers and course descriptions. Register carly! Phone 520-5473 or 520-5474 for information, or call 520-5472 to register using VISA or MASTERCARD. Or go to the office in room 2300. Co-operative & Non-Competitive Games Mon. Dec. 5 - $10 Composers in the Morning Lecture Series - "Music of Our Time" Wed. Dec. 7 at New West Library - Free Mini-Dance Workshop - Foxtrot Sat. Dec. 10 - $15 many; Professor William Stan- ton, University of Pittsburgh and Dr. W. Kaye Lamb, Van- couver. Those interested in participat- ing should send summaries (100-200 words) or their prospective papers along with brief vitae to: The Director Vancouver Conference Department of History Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia Canada, V5A 186