TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD nee As the Board knows, a clear performance evaluation process for administrative personnel is now in being. Initial interviews have already occurred. I am confident that the system will prove to be a practical and helpful one. Some comment has already been made that there is a need for commentary by subordinates as part of the system. This will be looked at as the next step following the completion of the first cycle of reviews by supervisors. In this connection, I will be asking the Board to undertake a formal review of my performance, in order to complete the cycle. I believe that the model that has been applied to other administrators will prove to be reasonably applicable in my case. The Douglas College Foundation has sponsored an internal capital campaign as a precursor to a public appeal for capital funds jin Support of student aid and college/community endeavours for next Fall. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the hard work and enthusiasm of the large committee of faculty, staff, students and administrative personnel who carried out the campaign with style and enthusiasm. The campaign has provided to the Foundation Board the necessary demonstration of the support from within Douglas College for needy students. WLD/gb