The Canadian Club of New Westminster Presents Alex Mayman Who Will Speak on The Topic of NUCLEAR POWER - DOES IT HAVE A PLACE IN CANADA'S ENERGY FUTURE? Tuesday, February 14th, 1984 8:15 p.m. Lower Cafeteria Please R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. to: Gena Ballantyne, 520-5400, Local 4910 Alex Mayman is Manager of the Engineering Division at the Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment at Pinawa, Manitoba, Free Admission Mad Hatter Page 4 mo See —--4 A Message of Thanks My dear friends: Thank you so much for your expressions of sympathy and your caring support following the death of my daughter Christine. At times like this it means so much to know that others share your sorrow. | . _ a | also wish to thank you for your donations to the Memorial Fund being set up in Christine's name. It has given her family great pleasure to know that she will be remembered in this way. Christine was very enthusiastic about a career in Early Childhood Education, and for this reason the fund may be awarded to students in this field. Carol Leyland and | will let you know more details about the scholar- ship as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Jean Hammer. Small Business Seminar 7200 = [0200 p.m: Wednesday, February 15th, 1984 Room 2201] Co-Sponsored by CKNW A panel from Touche-Ross and Company will lead the seminar. Free Admission Courier Service Anyone who uses any of the various courier services, whether for delivery or pickup | of material to and from the College, PLEASE give the courier explicit in- formation as to where in the College the | material is to be picked up or delivered. | | | | Numerous courier drivers have become lost or delivered material to the wrong area, due to lack of direction information. So, please, provide Department, Level and Room number when you next call a courier. Thank you. | Student Exchange | Fifteen students from the Commerce and Business Administration Department are