‘ pe F ene cig is tad is “charged only © once, E 4 therefore app lic a et etutonte: who. have, previously attended | fi Posgien cigs are exempt fren: os 5 re ‘gy, iF DOUGLAS COLLEGE | WM peel Q na an 3 ; 1 * 7 t ———- aes ee * tor Ne ew Students (| !re a J new students must + e $10 ) appl ‘ication Hes, me i jon for ee aa: wn Pt: =e oF 7200 yor - of ‘Surrey. ath brigenet MTC Portable rag 2. sas | recorder - Br vat of res 98 Sato ‘speed Bis ce = icants applying for more ‘than | 1 pore Program et ‘ones one application fee. J~ ; at the beginni ng of the Summer Soe a “haere Wootton Scho larship ati ons. y we aid not rece ive any no scholarship un: a | October 1985. “At that. pring mes eu eels classes. | which was ‘made on May 2a 1985, are as A 4 ate | | follows: nate seit aah | | Burnaby. te: Dyas eee ee of By ney ws u ai ving « overheads from the c itt in use have ‘been che fore the fa Wa units: ‘we hope ten ue with ‘be rechecked | be ’ | im is. Spring we & advertised jc Geinest for | hy semester. | the George Wootton Scho! arship. | -Unfortun- "By removing g + i earls the fol lowinc ng: ae we | Wi uN reget awarding f this: : . Complete c cleaning. and oe check ‘ % coe ig eulicoae he sent hs are time we will 25k for nominations from both — ME ‘ ; S08 = ris fa Label. Bie nur will make for. ate er correct room sin ce + aeeat Pier | The yer a are ee ci se ‘Draw, | David Youn ys Sveeeeies - 1 MS. 4 7 | Ist Pri ze - - Prince ncess Cruise 4 28 two on the | "Love Boat" to Sanfrancisco = Joe Meade of Pod e Prize = NEC 4" co lor 1 = Ar basis, (ake,