PARKING AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE CAMPUSES The difficult parking situation at Douglas College is readily apparent. Some improvement in parking space has been effected at both New Westminster and Surrey this past summer. Limited parking will, however, continue to be an aggravation. The municipal Fire Departments require that free access fire lanes be maintained and parking in other than white lined designated parking spaces cannot be tolerated. This applies to all motor vehicles including motorcycles or motor bikes which must not be parked in walkways or against buildings. If parking is not available in your preferred area, please look around. Relief from a tight parking situation at the New Westminster campus is generally available at the Canada Games Pool parking lot. Please use the Sixth Avenue entrance to the south parking lot only. Park between white lines only. Do not block departure of other cars. Illegally parked cars will be towed away at a considerable cost to the owner. May we please have your cooperation in the use of only the white lined parking spaces on campus and use of the south lot (Sixth Avenue entrance) only of Canada Games parking. Thanks. FILMS ARRIVING (Oct. 28, 1975 - Nov. 5, 1975.) TITLE INSTRUCTOR DATE ARRIVING DATE RETURNING Poster Making: Design & Tech, G. Rorison Oct. 29.75 Nov, 5.75 Perception - Structure and Flow T. Dun Oct. 229.75 Oct. 30.75 Basic Training B. Christensen Oct. 30.75 Nov, 6.75 Three Approaches to Psycho-Therapy N. Kyle Octs. 30775 Nov. 3.75 From the Middle of Nowhere B, Calland Oct, “315,75 Nov. 5.75 Looking For Me G. Chud Oct. Sia/2 Nov. 6.75 Discipline and Self Control K. Johnson Deter sns 75 Nov. 6.75 Chemistry of Behavior N. Kyle OCie 31575 Now.’ 5.2/3 Approach E, Biggs Oe tat S175 Nov. 4.75 Rachel Rachel L. Gom Nov. 3.75 Nov. 5.75 Theory X and Theory Y R. Paton Nov. 3.75 Nov. 5:75 Thats the Price M. Eliot Hurst Nov. 3,75 Nov. 4.75 Cree Hunters of the Mistassini J. Sellers Nowe S475 Nov, 6.75 Desert Landforms D. Wilson Noy. 3.75 Nove 64875 Mental Symptoms Series #4 K. Dercole/Ed. Biggs Now. 3575 Nov. 25/9 Growth of Intelligence in Pre-~.. M. Primrose Nov ¢ose75 Nov. 5.75 For any information on the above films please contact Helen Haughton Loc. 261 9 New Westminster Library.