Douglas Coliege CONTINUING £ EDUCATION BOM E905 EF WER, Wns ee re ee Reriairar cake ont item “ees Oe ae JX T WRITING cs “Ollege presents a short ccurse to assist 29 write clearly and concisely. Topics wili uportance of effective communication (panel discussicn) Winst to include in a report and where to place it Proper use st headings and titles ‘ to introduce and suppert a recommendation How to use maps and diagrams effectively now to express ideas clearly and concisely How to use mechanical aids to the best advantage Ww tO write a report summary Low to set up an agenda ‘ow to prepare minutes Plus practical writing experience with professional evaluation and assistance. Group registration is encouraged. DATE: i Tuesdays, 8 - 10 p.m. March 5 - April 30, 1974 Douglas College, Surrey campus 9260 - 140 Street (Room 203) Pe a Sie INSTRUCTOR: Ann Southwick, Writing Consultant and Free Lance Writer REPORT WRITING Address: Municipality: Please make cheque for $15 payable to Douglas College and mail with your registration to Admissions Office, Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503,. New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2.