re ne A er page six entertainment____ Folk Primary ~The Vancouver Folk Mu- sic Festival album. There was something else in the air (besides the marijuana smoke) on those three in- credible days in July that was the Vancouver Folk Festival, this past summer. There was the pure voices of accapela, the touching -sometimes biting- voices of folk, and finally the busy whirr of a portable 16 track recording studio. by Ian Hunter For those of you who missed that ‘‘something in the air’’, and for those who hadn’t, the ‘‘Vancouver Folk Music Festival’’, al- :-bum is out. This is an attempt to ‘“‘reflect the di- versity of the festival’’, says Gary Cristal, folk festival coordinator. From the smooth and funky blues of the Original Sloth Band & The Honolulu Heartbreakers to the angry sorrow of Holly Near’s Hayt Una Mujer Desoprecida (a woman has disappeared) to the down homey bluegrass of Berline, Crary & Hick- man doing ‘‘Turkey in the Straw’’, this album is com- pletely representative of the diversity of the festival’s sounds. Our local folk semi-legend Ferron is also on the album singing her highly personal Ain’t Life A Brook--with feeling. present with Connie KAL- DOR'‘S Jerks and Leon Ros- solson’s, slightly feminist, Boys Will Be Boys. There is no way that any record, film, or book can ever capture the true, in- credible feeling of joy one gets from the folk festival but this album is a real good primer for next year’s'- and a damn good collection of music in it’s own right. The album is available at Black Swan Records, A & B Sound, and Kelly’s on Broadway. Comic relief is, The Other Press March 26, 198] Leon Russeison and Roy Bailey play Soft Rock Cafe on April 3. B B Belton’s great Being students and ha- ving to cope with tuition hikes and the cost of exis- tence, it’s probably not of- ten that you get a chance to go and dine at a fine restaurant. Well if the opportunity arises, may I recommend a by Philip J. Staines restaurant of utmost excel- lence. B B Beltons, in case’ you havent been there already, is one of the finest and most unique dining experiences in the lower mainland. Beltons offers a seven page menu of dishes ran- ging from peanut butter and banana sandwiches, to spa- nish paella. Each dish is prepared in such a way that each mouthfull is an orgasm for the tastebuds. The chefs at Beltons are generous in preparing the food so you come out full. If your not stuffed after sea- food fetacinni or a cheese burger, then you’re a glut- ten. You'll find the drink and wine lists complete and each drink to your satis- faction. The bartenders are imaginative and accurate so jyour drink is a taste extra- ‘vaganza in itself. The glasses are of incredible size depending on the drink and I don’t think youll finda better ceasar anywhere. There is something for everyone’s taste and no matter what it is, you'll be satisfied. The bar and lounge make for an ideal spot to sit and have a couple of drinks so you can go eat in the best of spirits. The’ decor is really quite original and very comfor- table. A sunken floor surrounded by an upper level, and the lounge is separated from the actual restaurant. The kitchen is of open-grill design, so if watching the chefs excites you, then you’re in busi- ness. You'll even find the muzak tastefull. The ser- vice is down to an art so, need I say more? 5 Prices will not blow the pocketbook and there are no fancy frills to cover for skimpy dishes, just plenti- ful, unsimulated food. B B Beltons is located on Bainbridge at Lougheed in Burnabyh, and be sure to make reservations. Bacardi is beautiful by itself. Clean. | Light. Smooth- | tasting. That's why it goes so smoothly with so many mixers. Add your own favourite taste to Bacardi, and you can count on enjoying it. Get toknow the real taste of Bacardirum. i t t i § { Bacardi rum on the rocks. Bacardi rum Bacardi rum and and ginger ale. orange juice. t YK DF BACARD! A COMPANY LIMITED BOTTLED BY FAM DISTRLERY.CO LTD CANADA