Mad Hatter Page 4 Employment Opportunities Ja. douglas college “OP A full-time Temporary Faculty member is required in the Douglas College Physical Education/Recreation Program to replace a Faculty member on Educational Leave from Sept. 1, 1981 to Aug/ 31, 1982. This Sosition is within the Social Services and Allied Health Department. Expected starting date is August 15, 1981 Additional Sessional positions are also available Please apply in writing quoting competition No. 81-702 A regular full time faculty member for its Early Childhood Education wichin the Social Services and Allied Health Dept. An appropriate combination of acacemic preparation line and simervisory ex- perience and instructional skills in the area of social service careers are ex- vected of the applicants. Expectad starting data is August 17, 1981. Cometition 781-705. Part-time ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND ADULT BASIC EDUCATION. INSTRUCTORS are required to implement a new part-time program of instruction. The successful applicants will have con- siderable experience in cesigning and teaching in non-traditional programs and settings. Applicants should have a kncew- ledge of and an aporeciaticn for the labour movement and its objectives and be pre- pared to work primarily evenings. Closing date for applicaitons is June 15, 1981. Please apply in writing with a complete resume quoting competition 81-704. PLPASE SUBMIT ALL COUGLAS COLLEGE JOB APPLICATIONS TO: Douglas College Personnel Dept _ P.0.Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. VBL SB2 A regular (Full-time) Faculty member is required for Douglas College's Cammmnity Social Service Worker Prog. within the Social Services and Allied Health Deparcmnent. An appropriate combination of academic preparation line and supervisory ex- perience and instructional skills in the area of social service careers are axpected of the applicants. Expected starting date Aug. 17,1981 Competition + 81 - 700 Closing Date for applications June 10/81 Douglas College Department of Business Administration and Commerce requires: Full-time permanent instructors in the following areas: 1. Accounting - one sosition 2. Data Processing ~ One sosition Starting date: September 1, 1981 Closing date: June 15, 1981 Campetition # 31-698 The Douglas College Music Department quires several sessional instructors teach the following courses during «the Fall 1981 and Spring 1982 semesters: Collece Chorus; Community Choir; Class Woodwinds; Music History; Basic Rudiments; Basic Ear Training and Sight Singing. bo Applicants should have considerable ex- perience and training in their respective areas. Closing date for applications Jume 22 Candidates selected for interviews wi 25, oc 26. Competition #81-703. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OUTSIVE CAPILANO COLLEGE requires: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (BURSAR) This position to be filled as soon as cossible. Competition = 31-280-A Closing date for applications June 12. > a ; Send applications to: Personnel Dept. Capilano College 2055 Purcell Way Nortn Vancouver. B.C. WiT 3H5