h A Douglas College Newslette Hatter sey Monday, January 14, 1980 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION "HOW TO START A SMALL BUSINESS" Courses OfferBOUGLAS COLLEGE LiBPAny Television and classroom instructors will join ease help many British Columbians get started in small business when a 10-week lecture series is presented in schools, colleges and on BCTV from mid-January through March. "How to Start A Small Business" is being presented through the co-operation of the British Columbia Ministry of Education, school board adult education branches, and community colleges and institutes. Designed for the classroom with a complementary role played by television, the series was produced by the Federal Business Development Bank (FBDB). "How to Start A Small Business" will be seen in British Columbia through the facilities of BCTV. Local residents will receive the programs through CHAN-TV, Vancouver, and its rebroadcasters and affiliates starting Sunday, Jan. 13 at 11:30 a.m. The series is scheduled to run for 10 weeks (pre-emptions will occur on Feb. 16 and Feb. 17). © "How To Start A Small Business" was developed by the FBDB as a comprehensive guide for people who want to go into business for them- selves. But it also offers valuable information to those who want to stay in business. The FBDB was responding to an alarming number of small business bankruptcies in Canada when it undertook the production of the programs. The host of the television series will be the well-known Canadian broadcaster, Percy Salzman, who was a network weatherman and interviewer for many years. Each program in the series deals with a different aspect of business, from getting one started to the legal and financial considera- tions. Three actors take ona variety of roles to present in an enter- taining and informative way the requirements of getting into business .for oneself. OMBUDSMAN SERVICES This semester (Jan. to Mar.) Jan McEachern is on professional development and vacation leave. Would anyone requiring the services of Ombudsman please call her at home: 420-2367, Monday or Thursday - 1600 - 2000 hours OR leave a message with the secretary at nursing office S 244. - more - , J)