ee ee a sj The ARC HIVES op Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newslette c Tuesday, September 9, 1980 READING AND STUDY SKILLS CENTRES The Reading and Study Skills faculty offer a number of services you may wish to take advantage of or refer your students to. First, SD 100: Reading skills for College and SD 110: Study Skills for College have now begun; there may still be some spaces if you know students who want to late register. Reading Skills for College is designed to teach students how to read text- books more efficiently while stressing comprehension. The student will learn to recognize the structure of textbook language and organize the content for better retention. Study Skills for College is for improving performance in academic activities requiring listening, notetaking, memory, concentration, examinations and term paper organization. Contact any of the Reading/Study Skills Faculty: Sandra Carpenter, Sherry Ladbrook, Ian McCaughey ; : OVERHEAD PROJECTORS Any faculty member who finds an overhead projector which requires a new roll of transparent material or a new lamp will be able to find spares available at campus libraries. PLEASE NOTE: Return the used transparency roll so that the core may be salvaged. Return the burnt out lamp. If you desire any further information contact Andrew MacAdam, IRC, Surrey at 588-4411 (loc. 242). Your cooperation is appreciated. FOR SALE Queen size Grange Chiropractic "elegance" mattress. New - $350, four months old - asking $225. Phone Cathy local 248 Surrey. ROOM FOR RENT Room for rent in a ranch style home with business woman in the Surrey area. Call 581-6948 after 5 or on weekends. = (Nore = \ J ———