Centre for Continuing Education The University of British caenp ft es Re, ciel g Ni “OCTOBER DECEMBERY Kl | 1974 = _ TRAINING FOR ADULT EDUCATOR Faculty may apply to department director for financial assistance to take any of these courses. Open to full-time AND part-time faculty. Apply on Form P-103 "Reimbursement ee for Professional Development" for $. Apply to U.B.C. on the application form ‘heliow: fan [Tes eHING AGULTS October 4-5 Fridey-Saturdcy %am - 4:30pm This tatensive short course will examine through lectures, group discussion and individual activities some of the mayor facters infiueacing adult jearninzg and instruction. tion of gererai principles ot adult tearing and instruction ing instruction, selecting instructional techniques, maxt- mizing Jearniag. and evaluating tearing. Designed primarily for instructors in public schoo! and vocational school programs and for tfainers in business, industry and governmental agencies, and training directors in institu- tions. With financial assistance from Kellogg Project in Continuing Education for Health Professionals. FEE: $ 28 (including lunches and materials) Instructor: James E. Thornton Location: Conference Room, Centre for Continuing Education, U.B.C. campus. . Se The emphasis throuchout the course wil! de on the applica- to the progran conducted by the participants. Some of the topics to be covered will include: the adult learner, design- GROUP LEADERSHIP SKILLS October 18-19 Friday-Saturday Yam - 4:30pm -This-witl be an advanced workshop for instructors, trainers, administrators, managers, and other leaders to develop their skills in effective group leadership. The focus will be on learning and work groups of all types. A variety of large and small group activities will be con- ducted during the two day workshop in order to attain objectives concerned with: (1) the formation and develop- ment phases of task-oriented graups (2) the demonstration of effective leadership behaviours (3) the selection and application of techniques for improving group procuct- ivity and evaluating group effectiveness, and (4) the man- agement of problems experienced by groups. Intenced for those with previous eaperience in leadership worashcps of short ceurses on the teary ur of adults. FEE: $ 28 (including lunches coi materiale) Instructor: Jomes E. Thornton Location: Conference Room, C+ \re for Continuing Eduection, U.B.C. «: | aus. at