e =“ IS IT YOUR BUSINESS? “HLA. Smitheram | : Yes, the protection of human riahts is every citizens business. You need have no qualms about butting into the affairs of a foreign country. There are two good reasons why you should make it your business to become aware of what is happenina in Brazil. The first reason is for the cause of Human Rights for indigenous people. In 1963 the General Assembly of the United ‘lations declared that year the International Year for Human Rights. Citizen groups in all sectors of the enlightened world came together to discuss and identify the rignts and privileges to which they believed they were entitled. These fundamental rights were enshrinec in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1968). Under the Articles of this Charter, the United iJations attempted to guarantee that all human beings on earth could be born FREE and EQUAL in DIGNITY and RIGHTS - with the hope that they could act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. ‘ Canada is a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, therefore as a Canadian citizen, you must protect the world charter on human rights. Human rights are being trampled into the mud and swamps of the Amazon in the name of "Progress". It is your duty as a protector of human rights to at, least raise your voice in protest against the Government of Brazil for the way they are treatina their indigenous people. The second reason that you should make it your business to protest is because some of your tax dollars are being used to develop the rich resources of Brazil and to finance the military regime that is ensuring a suitable climate for private enterprise. The Canadian Export Development Corporation loaned Brazil $26. 5 million to help that country purchase electrical equipment from Canadian owned companies. The companies which operate in Brazil under Brazillian names are 83 percent owned by BRASCAI), a large corporation with the control centered in Canada. It controls assets of more than a billion déllars in value. This large multinational corporation netted a profit of 343 million in 1971 and $76.5 million in the first nine months of 1972. However, Canada's generous loan of 326 5 inillion will help this "struggling" firm to male ends meet. The subsidiaries of BRASCAi! are causing much of the havoc and distress among the indigenous people of Brazil as they push across the virgin forests and hunting grounds of the native Indians. The government of Brazil has given the green light to these corporations and is assisting them with roads, troops and machinery to bulldoze their way through the Amazon 3asin toward the west. :leedless to say, they have no regard for the rights of the native people who live in the Amazon forests nor have they made treaties with them ur recognized their right to ownership of the land and resources.