W A “ATE mee en aU i GNA --_ | Photos courtesy of Wikipedia/Fickr (Creative Commons) their weird behaviour that ultimately captures the hearts of NUCL AAR TCU MACH DUITLULO DLT Ce(eeM NT eRN etre) ASMPLUL OM UAT I TCSTNI CMR ALL MLO) eM Mre OCEANS TOL FEMEN British Columbia: getting naked for politics way before it was cool BC is the location of one of the first nude protests ever recorded he Doukhobors were a sect of Russian dissenters who considered themselves Christians, yet rejected the bible, secular government, church ritual, and the divinity of Jesus. As pacifists, they didn’t buy into militaristic institutions, and when the Russian government was unable to make the Doukhobors comply with the conscription laws, they were given permission to immigrate to Canada. Half of their immigration expenses were paid by none other than Leo Tolstoy himself. Never ones for following the rules, the Doukhobors soon clashed with Canadian politics over land ownership and communal living. They had settled in Northern Saskatchewan at this time, and due to disputes with the government and unhappiness with the climate, many Doukhobors found themselves on the move again, this time to Southern BC. If you’ve ever had the delicious borscht in Grand Forks, you can thank a Doukhobor. If you ever find yourself getting busted for showing your pink bits in public, you can also thank a Doukhobor. They are actually the reason why Parliament passed a law in 1932 criminalizing public nudity. A particularly zealous group, The Sons of Freedom, responded to the Doukhobor conflict with Canadian policy with massive nude matches. This led to countless confrontations with the Canadian government and the RCMP, continuing well into the ‘70s. The government established a penal colony at Piers Island, on the boundary of the Discovery passage, specifically for these badasses. Over 300 Doukhobor men and women were arrested for nude protest and detained there, serving up to three years.