CO) "athe press Managing Editor Kerry Evans News Editor Kelly Parry Opinions Editor Kali Thurber Culture Editor Amanda Aikman Features Editor Barbara K. Adamski Sports Editor Adam “Flash” Gordon David Lam Representative Munir Amlani Proofreader Tamara Billau Production and Graphic Design Gerard Then Graphic Design Trevor Hargreaves Photography Angela Blattmann Web Editor Dawn-Louise McLeod Advertising Manager Vacant Office Manager Lynn Paus Accountant Alyona Luganskaya Columnists Follow the Rainbow J.J. McCullough Nick Hogg Cartoonist J.J. McCullough Contributors Kate Abel, Barbara K. Adamski, Angi Cameron, Mohammed Fazili, Andrew Matecha, Kim Meier, Colin Miley, and Macdonald Stainsby New Westminster Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster V3L 5B2 Ph//604.525.3542 Fax//604.525.3505 hetp:// Mail Dear Editor, 7 In modern times, / what “side” you are on, “freedom” is always under attack. We need to take careful note of what “freedom” is. I see that J.J. McCullough’ s pieces have generated a large debate among letters no matter Ba a disease. when we realize that this more than replicates all killed in every theatre of the six year long Second World War in only two years. despite the much vaunted talk of oth- ers about progress and the evils of socialist economics, lions—all nameless, That number is shocking These numbers, kill tens of mil- silent deaths from to the editor, staff of the paper, and bloated, hunger-ridden stomachs or from (gasp!) students themselves. Well, if diarrhea, cholera, unsafe drinking you know where I’m coming from by now, water, or exposure to the elements—and you’ ve already figured out what I think of the articles coming from the Right Hook. But that doesn’t matter— even if I were to agree with that long-winded, full-page letter a few issues ago about the problems with citations, the persuasion of opinions expressed by Mr. McCullough—it’s not relevant. Finally, as someone who has written for left-of-center, radical, and other academic journals where McCullough’ s work would be politely refused—let me assure you that I defend J.J.’s articles from the call they are going up every single year. Where is their freedom? Where are the freedoms that matter most? security, treats you with some level of respect, until a ripe old age with your grand- children? More people are planning for their families than are currently try- ing to organize a political party, write for a newspaper, To live in with a decent job that or even vote. Macdonald Stainsby for censorship here for a reason dif- ferent than the beautiful but complete- ly misunderstood notions of “freedom of speech.” Freedom doesn’t exist in the abstract at all. The question is not whether you have an amorphous “freedom,” but rather a freedom to walk, to talk, to share ideas, and to live unmolested by the whims of another. The freedom to live without worrying about whether you are intrinsically worth something—not because you have enough money, the right gender preference or a particular skin colour, but because you are a human being—that’s a freedom we don’t enjoy. People in countries far removed from our day-to-day lives here in Canada don’t enjoy the freedom to live without fear of coercion by great pow- ers—coercion that can come in the form of bomber raids, housing demoli- tions, and the occupation of their own government by a foreign force. The rights I hold, that are not held by everyone, are not rights at all, but in fact are mere privileges. And priv- ileges come with responsibilities. It’s not that hard to grasp, really: Freedom is only absolute for the or so people who live absolutely alone, living off the woods, and never with any outside world help—and even then they are responsible to show the respect to the natural world of which they are only a part, so that they might continue to receive sustenance from it. Their freedom has a social, not individual essence. Thirty million people die every year, not because of something they did, but because they were denied the basic dozen Columbia Costume Rentals op KK $e $e Haye #42 - 6th Street New Westminster tel: 604-524-0413, es S gee ge4 arte 1 n * * x for all your party ideas: mascots...theme parties... corporate events special occasions rights to eat or get a known cure for The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student news- paper. The Other Press is run as a collective and is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a maga- zine) during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. Printed by Van Press Printers Ltd. ieee: Page 2