Pr ee ay from Nov. 10, 1986 Page 8 The Other Press CFS blasted In your last issue you reported on the fact that the students of Douglas College were being asked to examine their con- tinued role in CFS through a referendum on December 10. As _ the representative for the Douglas College Student Society on the CFS Pacific Region executive, I would like to take this time to re- late my™~* €xperience with the organization. In the preamble to the CFS constitution, the basic aims of CFS are laid out. They sound very nice and, on the surface, give the illusion that CFS is working in solidarity with all students in Canada. Nothing could be farther the truth. If CFS “speaks with one voice”, that voice must be rather quiet. Quebec as a whole does not belong to CFS, Douglas want to be affilia- ted with an _ organization with a reputation like this? Students in B.C. and in all of Canada are not united. Section I of _ the preamble states CFS will organize students to adv- ance the interests of the student community. What have the members of CFS outside B.C. done to help the students in B.C., or are they even aware of the problem? Education has been under attack by the provincial government in B.C. for four years, yet the nation- al chairman for CFS says he is only now begining to understand the _ serious- ness of the _ situation? Clearly; .. CFS” - is-. “NOE advancing the interests of the student community. Section III assures that CFS will make “effective use and distribution of the resources of the student movement”. Again, what have the members of CFS that B.C. should fight the government here on our own, that is fine with us; Just give us the exorbitant amount of money we send to the National Office each year as we can do a far more effective job than is currently being done under the guise of ‘lobby- ing’. Further to this, for the past three years, the CFS handbooks have gotten here too late for registration. This year, they arrived at 2:00 on the last day of registration; and this was after they had been’ given’ two month notice of when we needed them. If this con- stitutes “effective use and distribution of resources”, then I would hate to see what they call a waste of resources. In Section VII the preamble states that CFS’s ultimate aim is “a system of Post Secondary Educa- tion which is accessible to all...” If this the ultimate off their eductaion if they can’t afford it”. This is clearly not an “accessible to all” type of statement, is it? But what has_ been done to aid the students of B.C. in fighting this gov- ernments attitude? Noth- ing of significance. Other concerns raised by the DCSS_ executive regarding CFS were: - A high cost to belong ($25,000 a year) with no noticeable return. - No direction in the organization at either the National or Provincial level. - Low communications both between the locals of CFS and between Nation- al office and locals. - B.C. issues are not addressed on the National level, they are virtually ignored. - The Federal govern- ment is not seen as a major ‘problem to B.C. students, Victoria is; yet Victoria is not being effectively lobbied by CFS. has gone overboard on it, making it a hassle just to get the simplest things accomplished. - CFS is too. services oriented and not issues oriented, as it should be. Further, the services offe- red by CFS are sketchy at best and tend to be of far more value to students in central Canada that to the students in B.C. In closing, I would like to state that these con- clusions were not made in haste, but reflect my ex! perience with CFS both the DCSS representive for the last five months as well as from the con- versations with people who have involved with CFS in the past. The primary conclu- sion I have reached is that CFS is the lame _ duck organization that is more of a burden. to th students than a help. It is a drain of resources that could be better used el- sewhere and I give un- most of Alberta doesn’t, and: in B.C., the student society at BCIT refers to CFS as “the CFS Mafia’. Do the students at done to help B.C. since the provincial govern- ment began cutting back on education four years ago. If the CFS locals think flagging support for the position taken by _ Scott Nelson on the matter in your last issue. : Michael Booth DCSS Vice-President goal, why isn’t CFS fight- - The entire organiza- ing for it? The minister of tion is drowning in a sea of Post Secondary Education bureaucratic bullshit. in B.C. has stated that While it is nice to have “Maybe they should put some structure, the CFS AND LATER THE PRE WAS \ HEARD To REMARK To HIS WIFE *% * LILY, YouR MoTHER IS PISSING ME OFF/ ANU x PROMISE To STUDY THE PROPOSALS FOR STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. YEAH++.- THAT'S THE TICKET. T WILL PERSONALLY SEE TO 17” YEXsSETs A MiLe— IT “ PRIMATES OF THE WORLD UNTTE! You have nothing +o lose but your chains | AT> Cat Indirect | / LEAVE ME. ALONE!!! Carit you see that Im preoccupine?! eine Seratch ‘n sniff this. Spot. : ACOMMUNIST GORILLA. XN 4, 1886 C-Brewn oe , In today's news: &-C-M.Pp. cuts back on staff; donut shops expected te ge bankrupt... The SPGA- reperts that every cat on earth has been spayed ov nevtered ; its the eud of the species... Other Press” cartoonist Combines tve lame jokes in one panel... More news a» it happens... { ARF COLLECTOR CoFFEE Cubs VAILABLE FROM - DEM MA PHERSonL -.. 2g s2e = Sz« Me. Py Attempt at being very momantic... T have a terrible pain in my back! Sweetheart, IT want to Kiss you until my lips get all crusty aud Fall of €, LOOK AT US... WERE NOTHING BUT CARTOONS. ~ Geaghie? Mvse Awe