page 12 The Other Press Monday, August 27, 1984 ~ SOCIAL Welcome Back ° Get Your Feet Wet ‘Time: Place: Reward: Note: : . Election: Sa Elections toill be held for Student Gobernment representatives on September 19 and September 20/84. Candidates will represent one of the following program areas: 1. Business 2. Health/Dental 3. University Transfer 4. Social Sciences 5. Music/Art 6. Social Services To be eligible for nomination a candidate must be currently enrolled in at least one credit course and have paid their Society fees in full. Please contact the student society for further information. STUDENT SOCIETY MOVED TO RM: 2780 Friday September 7, 1984 6:00 P.M. to Midnight Upper Cafeteria. Prizes - Prizes - Prizes You must have proper photoI.D. and a current Student Card. | One guest only per student. S | d | t Application Deadline September 14 Employment Opportunity Social co-ordinator 19 yrs plus, manage staff and allocate responsibilities, work Friday afternoons, vehicle req. Social cashier 19 yrs plus, cash register experience Social Maintenance janitorial knowledge, early - work hours- 1:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m. on Fridays and some B Saturdays. req. torent heavy duty vacuum cleaner. APPLY: Student Society Business Office, room 2789, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MAIL: Student Society MAIL: Student Society Business Office, P.O. Box 2503 New West., B.C. V3L 5B2