Thursday, November 20, 1980. The Other Press espe avonnenspiarappespeoonte * byPAT BURDETT Richmond campus _ suc: cessfully held their third _, annual open house on Wed- wa nesday evening, Novembe: 12. Tony Moffat, the chair- man of the open house committee explained that the purpose of the open house was to ‘‘create an awareness of what the col- lege does...what programs we have to offer the com- munity.”’ Moffat was pleased with the exhibition overall and described the attendance as “*good’’. He added, “‘I was a little bit disappointed with the number of high school stu- dents that turned out, but I think we can improve that in the future.”’ Richmond’s principal, Don Porter, said, ‘‘I don’t know exactly how many high stu- dents and teachers there were because I didn’t rec- ognize them all, but I was pleased to see that there were a number of people that I did recognize.”’ Porter added that the open house was also attend- ed by a number of dignitar- ies. These included Gil Bla- ir, mayor of Richmond, alderman Ted Youngberg of Richmond, Delta school tru- stee John Charlesworth, and Helen Casher, Maple Ridge school trustee and chairman of the Douglas College board. One of the highlights of the night was the fashion show put on by the fashion design students at the col- lege. A wide variety of garments made by the stu- dents themselves were mod- elled. These ranged from a space-look evening dress to a rather popular selection of swimwear. The science displays were also popular. Visitors were fascinated as they watched a laser beam stretch across the room or saw their pen- nies being electroplated with silver. Covering many of the walls of the college were displays of work done by graphics and arts students. The drafting program also had a fascinating display as did the other disciplines in the college. Don _ Porter commented on the quality of the displays and of the refreshments served, ‘‘Eve- ryone was most impressed with all the displays and there is no doubt that the fine quality of the sticky buns did a lot for our image.” page three