MAD HATTER 3 The fair which ran from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. had a line up to enter at 10:00° A.M. and continued at near capacity right to 3:00 P.M. Due to the interest shown at this fair, another one is being planned for late March. More information will be avail- able in the New Year. if you require any information please do not hesitate to call us at 526-4808. Joan Murdoch SPECIAL CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Ministry of Education has awar- ded money to Douglas College to develop curriculum materials to assist adults with hearing impairments in making career decisions and prepar- ing for work. This curriculum, once it is developed, will be made available provincially to anyone working with people who are language impaired. The following people will be involved with this project: : Ted Borsa - Writer Dottie Rundles - Consultant Gladys Loewen - Project Coordinator ’ An advisory committee will be es- tablished consisting of representa- tives of community agencies and edu- cational institutions. The committee will provide guidance and feedback as the material is being developed. We're excited about this project and so are agencies who work with clients who are hearing impaired. Anyone requiring further information can con- tact Gladys at local 2791. Thank you. Gladys Loewen NEW FACE IN ACCESS LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE A warm welcome to Maria laquinta who has been hired as_instructor/ clinician for the Access Learning Resource Centre. Maria will be providing tutoring, skill development and assessment services to students with special needs enrolled in the College. Moria is located in the Student Services Centre, Room 2790 C, local 2793. Maria is replacing Jody Pilling who is on temporary leave. Gladys Loewen THANK YOU! The Christmas spirit started early last Thursday, as at least 16 Christmas trees were delivered throughout the College departments. Sure brightens up the college and adds an air of fes- tivity for students, staff and faculty. Judy Johnstone WORK STUDY Each year Douglas College is alloca- | ted a Work-Study budget from the Ministry of Continuing Education and Job Training. The Work-Study Program provides part-time employ- ment (5 - |5 hours per week) to full- time students. Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligibility is deter- mined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assess- ment of each student's Canada Student Loan/Provincial Student Loan and/or the information provided on the Work-Study application form. At this time we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non-repeating) projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. The projects should provide students with opportunities to develop career- related skills. Work-Study Application Forms are available from the Student Placement Office. The deadline to submit Work- Study Project Applications for theSpr- ing Semester 1987 is January 12, 1987. Thank you. Patty Lewis and Connie Doherty, Student Placement STUDENT ASSISTANTS If you are interested in hiring student assistants for the Spring Semester, please contact the Student Placement Office (local 2713) immediately. Connie Doherty, Student Placement